Tour Stop, Excerpt & Giveaway: Wicked Men by Brandon Shire

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First, let me say thanks for hosting the Wicked Men blog tour. The creation of this lengthy novel was quite an adventure. Throughout the course of writing each episode, readers were offered the opportunity to give their input and suggestions on how they thought the story should move along. And I threw in a few twists and surprises along the way, just to keep them on their toes. The Wicked Men blitz features seven unique excerpts, so don’t miss any. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

wicked menTitle: Wicked Men by Brandon Shire
Publisher: TPG Books
Genre: Contemporary, M/M, Romance
Length: 449 pages


Power, lust, legal intrigue. This is where sex and injustice meet.

Six action-packed episodes!

Sid Rivers and Jack Brown are two sides of the same coin. One is a lawyer with his own firm and dreams of money and power; the other is a criminal with a lengthy record and a quest for vengeance. When they meet, sparks fly. But was their meeting an accident? Or, was it planned by the billionaires who want to control their destiny?

The Love of Wicked Men is an erotic journey into the underbelly of the legal profession, the corporate culture of profit-at-any-cost, and the secret world of industrial espionage.

Buy direct from Brandon and save $1 with coupon code ilovemen at checkout!

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Purchase Links: Amazon * Kobo * ARe


Jack’s phone beeped while he was driving. He glanced at it and closed his eyes. “Fuck!” he screamed. It was the text he feared more than any other. 9999. It meant the team had to drop everything and flee.

Pulling in a breath to calm himself, he pulled over and dialed Lori’s number. “What happened?”

“The FBI is in Rivers’ office asking about you by name. They mentioned Wessman too. This op is done, Jack.” She paused, quieting her voice. “I’m sorry.”

Despite their disagreements, he knew Lori was sincere. He called Sweeny next, wanting to know exactly what happened. But there was no answer. He hadn’t expected one. Protocol dictated they cease all communication immediately. In two weeks, they’d log onto Pastebin and leave cryptic confirmations of their safe flight from justice. In two months, they’d leave another if they deemed the coast clear enough for them to move on to the next job.

The code meant he couldn’t return to the apartment to get his stuff. Everything was to be left behind, including the potential to find Rachel’s killer. “No,” he whispered to himself as he shook his head with determination. “Not this time.” He’d go back and set up surveillance on his own. If the Feds actually were onto him, he’d leave. But if not, he didn’t plan on going anywhere until he had answers.

His phone rang again and he looked at it in surprise. “Yeah?”

“Where you at?” Drake asked.

The question made him pause. Drake would never give him up, but after a dispersal text, it didn’t sit right. “On the road,” he answered vaguely.

“We’ve got a problem.”

“What is it?”

“Sweeny’s missing.”

“He’s gone like you should be.”

“I’m at his hidey-hole right now. The place is wrecked and Sweeny’s gone. He would’ve taken his toys with him.”


“No. They’d still be tagging evidence. He’s been snatched by someone.”

“I’m on my way.” Jack tossed the phone on the passenger’s seat and swung the car around in the middle of traffic. Horns blared, but he paid no attention. He grabbed his phone, once he righted the car, and dialed Lori. “Sweeny’s been taken.”

“Taken?” Lori repeated in shock. “By who?”

“I don’t know. Did he set up the backup feeds for the perimeter cameras? Maybe we can find out.” One of Sweeny’s habits was setting up a relay that periodically downloaded all their security feeds to Lori’s private server.

“Let me reassemble my equipment. I’ll get back to you.”

“Can you get somewhere safe first?” Jack asked.

“Let me handle this,” Lori answered in a huff and clicked off.

He tossed the phone back to the passenger seat and floored the accelerator.

Author Bio

Great stories should not depend on gender or sexual preference of a character, but instead upon the strength of the characters and the honesty and urgency of the story.

Brandon Shire proves he understands the complexity of writing LGBT fiction from two very different viewpoints – serious and smexy. His serious fiction is written for those who enjoy a book, which explores life’s darker elements in a more literary form, while the smexy fiction is for those who enjoy a graphically erotic romance.

Regardless of the differentiation above, Brandon writes for people who enjoy being challenged, and for those who strive to understand situations they don’t typically encounter. He pens raw, emotional stories about characters, which readers will either love or love to hate.

Life and love are pretty damned special, but neither is always perfect. Life can be painful, and real love hard to find. Brandon’s fiction is an exploration of the (sometimes) arduous search for the happiness we all desire.

Author Links: Website * Google+ * Twitter * Goodreads * Tumblr


Using Rafflecopter below, enter to win ecopies of all Brandon’s books or one of five ecopies of The Love of Wicked Men Box Set. Open internationally. Must be 18 years or older to enter.

Follow the rest of the tour:

June 11

Diverse Reader & Boys in Our Books

June 12

3 Chicks After Dark, Attention Is Arbitrary, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Bike Book Reviews, Book Reviews & More by Kathy, Charlie Cochet, Cup o’ Porn, Divine Magazine, Foxylutely, Gay Media Reviews, GGR-Review, Hearts On Fire, Love Bytes, Multitaskingmommas Book Reviews, Nautical Star Books, The Novel Approach, On Top Down Under Book Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words & Sinfully… Addicted to All Male Romance

Tour and materials organized by PAS Promotions


Filed under Blog Tour, Contest, Excerpt

6 Responses to Tour Stop, Excerpt & Giveaway: Wicked Men by Brandon Shire

  1. Waxapplelover

    Great excerpt. Immediately makes me intrigued by the storyline. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Timitra

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Marilyn Treuil

    I enjoyed learning more about Jack this time.

  4. H.B.

    Thank you for the giveaway chance and the wonderful excerpt!

  5. Jen

    This one was quite exciting! Thanks for the excellent tour!

  6. Landry

    I have yet to read anything by this author but enjoyed the excerpt enough to look his books. Thanks for sharing!