Black Friday Blog Hop & Contest

I confess: I HATE Black Friday. I have only shopped on Black Friday once and that was enough to keep me far, far away from stores on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Nope, there is no deal that will entice me into that type of shopping madness. Instead, I sit quietly at home enjoying the fact that my Christmas shopping was completed weeks ago when there was no danger of me losing life or limb in my pursuit of the perfect gift.

So, tell me: are you a Black Friday shopper, a planner like me who shops way ahead of time or are you a last minute, two hours before closing time Christmas Eve shopper? Leave your e-mail address to be entered in the drawing for the Grand Prizes (see below). Complete contest rules are below.

While the rest of the US is out handling the crowds, fighting for their holiday gifts, some of us like to stay in, shop online, or just ignore Black Friday all to together. This year, join us in our second annual Black Friday Blog Hop! It’s a ONE DAY hop where we’re giving away prizes, talking about books we love, and most likely eating left over turkey. 🙂

The hop is November 23rd and is ONE DAY only.

And while we do that, we are EACH doing a giveaway. Yep. There will be over 200 giveaways on each blog hosted by that Author or Blogger.

But that’s not all….

We have THREE grand prizes. You as a reader can go to EACH blog and comment with your email address and be entered to win. Yep, you can enter over 200 times!

Now what are those prizes?

1st Grand Prize: A Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet (International Entries Welcome)

2nd Grand Prize: A $75 Amazon or B&N Gift Card (International Entries Welcome)

3rd Grand Prize: A Swag Pack that contains paperbacks, ebooks, 50+ bookmarks, cover flats, magnets, pens, coffee cozies, and more (US ONLY)!

Book Reviews & More by Kathy prize is a $5.00 gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes & Noble (WINNER”S CHOICE).

Follow the rest of the Blog Hop HERE.

To enter just the Grand Prize contest, answer the question: are you a Black Friday shopper, a planner like me who shops way ahead of time or are you a last minute, two hours before closing time Christmas Eve shopper along with your e-mail address. ****COMMENT MODERATION IS ON, SO DO NOT BE SURPRISED IF YOU DO NOT IMMEDIATELY SEE YOUR COMMENT.****

For your entry to also be eligible for my contest for a $5.00 gift certificate to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble (WINNER’S CHOICE):

You must Do TWO of the Following:

1. Sign up for e-mail updates (upper left corner). One email daily with the day’s posts.


2. Be or become a fan of Book Reviews & More by Kathy Facebook page


3. Follow me on Twitter (@BookReviewsMore)


4. Friend Book Reviews & More by Kathy on Goodreads

Make sure you have filled out the contest entry form:

5. To be eligible to enter contests on Book Reviews and More by Kathy you MUST fill out the contest entry form (found HERE). This form only needs to be filled out ONCE. Your privacy is important to me, and I will not share your information.


The winner of my contest will be selected using and announced Monday November 26th.


Filed under Black Friday, Blog Hop, Contest

69 Responses to Black Friday Blog Hop & Contest

  1. Sue Sattler

    I love Black Friday shopping, (I live in a small town and people are pretty friendly, no blood or bruising) but this year they started at 8pm on thursday so I decided to stay at home and read. I went out about 11:30, when the stores were almost empty and still got all the specials that I wanted.


  2. Dawna Newman

    I try so hard to get an early jump but always end up being last minute all the time.


  3. Marlena Fein

    I am definitely not a Black Friday shopper. I do try to pick up various things as I see them throughout the year but would say I am definitely more of a last minute shopper, like two or so on Christmas Eve. I do not have a lot of people to shop for so it isn’t as bad as it sounds. 🙂

    Thanks so much for being a part of the hop and for the giveaway.

    Happy Holidays,

  4. Yadira A.

    I’m a Black Friday shopper who likes to plan way ahead if at all possible. I will scour those early Black Friday websites just to get an idea of what will be available.

  5. Tiss

    I shop throughout the year. I’ve never gotten to shop on Black Friday, as I always end up working. I shopped after I got off work today and I think I’m done with all my shopping, now to get it all wrapped before Dec 6th. LOL.
    Thanks for the contest.

  6. I avoid Black Friday, too many people and too much traffic. Thank you for being a part of the hop.

  7. Catherine

    I’m not a big fan of Black Friday, but we did go out this morning for a couple of specific things and got them…and NO LINES!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  8. BookAttict

    I don’t do Black Friday — the week before Thanksgiving usually marks the LAST time I deal with retail until after the New Year!

    Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
    elizabeth @ bookattict . com

  9. Cassandra Hicks

    I only shop on Black Friday if it’s online lol
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  10. elaing8

    Today was the first Black friday in canada. I went and got a couple of good deals.but the store were not packed. Its still a working day here. But I usually finish my shopping mid December.

    follow email,twitter,facebook

  11. Sherry

    My daughters and I do Black Friday shopping every year. We were out this morning from about 1230 am to 430 am shopping. Then we always finish off by goin to breakfast. I hate Christmas shopping with a passion. how my girls talk me into Black Friday each year is beyond me. They claim its mother/daughter time.

  12. Krysykat

    I hate Black Friday, too many people.


  13. Krista B

    Twitter and Facebook follower!!
    Thank you!

  14. susan platt

    no black friday shopping for me, too crazy.

    susanmplatt AT hotmail DOT com

  15. Misha K.

    I love BF shopping on and offline! I plan ahead and get a lot of my shopping out of the way before BF, but I just like the rush of going out in the crowd and the deals I can find for my bigger ticket items. I think it’s fun and I’ve never had a problem with rude or pushy people through the years even the ones I need a big ticket item, yay! Thank you for the lovely giveaway~<3

    MostlyMisha [at] gmail [dot] com

  16. Jo

    I avoided the crowds at the mall today and went to the movies instead. Thanks for being in the hop!

    jochibi AT yahoo DOT com

  17. I don’t go out on Black Friday, but I do order online. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Marlene Breakfield

  18. Mel Bourn

    Instead of shopping, I’m hopping! I prefer to do my shopping online.
    Happy Black Friday.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  19. Cathy Fierstein

    Happy Holidays and thank you for the opportunity to win some great prizes. I can’t do Black Friday shopping (unless it’s online) – I don’t have the patience or the stamina for the lines and the crowds.

  20. Joy F

    I only shop online.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com