Title: Alex in Wonderland by Jessica Freely
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: M/M, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance
What can go wrong in a sex club? Plenty, as Alex discovers on his first visit to Wonderland.
Fresh out of a sexless relationship with a manipulative, two-timing boyfriend, Alex enters the notorious sex club, Wonderland, looking for action. Instead he winds up in one disastrous predicament after another. Between the inept dom, the malfunctioning steam room, and the “alien” go-go boy with glow-in-the-dark everything, it’s beginning to look like Alex will never get laid again. Then a mysterious masked man gives Alex the dance — and the blowjob — of his life, only to disappear again without a trace.
When the night is through, and the masks are cast aside, Alex will discover a passion that lasts far beyond one night in Wonderland.
Sam leaned over the counter, bringing with him a warm, spicy aroma. “If you have any questions or just need a minute to chill out, you can always come back here. I’m working all night.”
Alex moved closer, drawn by Sam’s dark, sultry gaze. Was Sam flirting with him? Seemed like it. A tingle sizzled through him just at the thought of being wanted by someone like Sam. Then again, after all this time, any friendly attention from an attractive man would seem like an overture. The last thing he wanted to do was come across as desperate as he really was. “Okay. Thanks!”
“No problem.” Sam winked. “Have a good time.”
Alex undressed at one of the benches, blushing like a virgin bride. He fumbled with his belt and dropped his shoes, twice. He never did anything like this, and now he was beginning to remember why. He was an accountant, for God’s sake.
Sam watched him. Did he like what he saw? If he went for slender, boyish twinks, then Alex would be a big disappointment. Big being the operative word. At six two, with a muscular frame to match, there was nothing dainty about Alex, something Brian pointed out whenever Alex hugged him too hard or squished him trying to cuddle on the couch.
Alex pushed his thoughts of Brian aside and managed to get down to his boxer briefs without strangling himself on his shirt or tripping over his pants. He noticed a few other guys kept their underwear on. He would too—a token gesture to his modesty since his tight-fitting boxer briefs left little to the imagination. Still, that thin layer of cloth somehow made him feel not quite so exposed.
He handed the bag with his things over to Sam. Their fingers brushed together. A jolt of electricity coursed through Alex at the contact. For a moment, he paused, tempted to just stay here. But what would Sam make of that? Would he think Alex was afraid?
Author Bio:
Jessica Freely can’t resist a wounded hero. As a reader and a writer, her favorite stories are of soul mates finding redemption in each other’s arms. Married to the love of her life in a beautiful relationship based on mutual goofiness, Jessica also warps minds as an instructor in Seton Hill University’s Writing Popular Fiction MFA program. Her dog, Ruthie, doesn’t seem to care that Jessica’s an award-winning and best-selling author in multiple genres. She just wants to play tug of war with Jessica’s pages.
Find Jessica Freely Online:
Website & Blog
Amazon Author Page
Ms. Freely is giving away a digital copy of Alex in Wonderland to one lucky commenter. Here’s how to enter the Saturday Spotlight contest:
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It’s that easy! The winner will be selected using random.org. I will e-mail one lucky winner the eBook of their choice in their preferred format. The winner will be posted HERE on Tuesday.
Thank you for the excerpt:) Alex in Wonderland, sounds like a great read!!
Thanks Cec! Good luck in the contest. 🙂
Wonderful excerpt! I can’t wait to read more about Alex.
Awesome Sherry, thanks for stopping by!
Wonderful excerpt! I can’t wait to read more about Alex
Alex is going to lose those boxer briefs, I’ll bet. Please count me in, thanks!
Sounds so good,please enter me.Thank you.
I can’t wait to find out more about the glow-in-the-dark everything. Count me in please. I like and follow Kathy; get your newsletters too Jessica.
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway.
Can’t wait to read more about Alex and his mystery man. Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks everyone for your lovely comments and for stopping by to see me and Alex!
I just love the big shy man. I can’t wait to find out what happens. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy!
Yes, that’s a favorite archetype of mine too Landry. I love the contrasts!
I follow via email: mestith at gmail dot com
I liked your FB page: Meghan Stith
That is one steamy book cover! Thanks for the giveaway!
mestith at gmail dot com
Fun excerpt…looking forward to this one!
Fun excerpt. Now I wonder what Sam is going to do with Alex!
Alex is big, clumsy and evidently beautiful! What more could we ask for!
Thanks for the giveaway. I follow your everywhere.
Thanks for the all of the lovely comments everyone!
The winner of the giveaway is Cornelia, but I want everyone to know how much I appreciate ALL the Sex Club Clues you provided. Thanks for making Alex (and me) feel so welcome.
Loved the excerpt, can’t wait to read it!