Title: Close Up Magic by Michelle Garren Flye
Release Date: June 1, 2013
Publisher: Michelle Garren Flye
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Length: 304 pages
Book Rating: B
Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Author
Do you believe in Magic?
Reporter Stacey Matthewson has made a living writing sensational stories that knock celebrities off their pedestals. Now she’s got a hot lead on an even hotter magician who’s mystifying Las Vegas with his new show–the problem is, she’s had a crush on him for years. How can she write a story that might ruin him, especially when he proves himself to be so much more than she’d ever dreamed?
Magician Andre Hawke has a knack for making things disappear, but when it comes to his brother’s drinking and gambling, he’s got a problem. Hiring the sexy reporter who threatens to blow away his carefully wrought illusion might be the answer to his problems…or she might bring on a whole new set of them.
Stacey’s never believed in magic, and Andre doesn’t know who to trust anymore. Can passion overcome their inhibitions, or will betrayal stem the tide of love?
The Review:
In Michelle Garren Flye’s Close Up Magic a sexy magician and an entertainment reporter quickly find love in this fast-paced and engaging love story In the wake of an apparent betrayal, will their love prove to be nothing but an illusion?
Hoping to repair her tarnished reputation as an entertainment journalist, Stacey Matthewson is hot on the trail of a developing story surrounding up and coming magician Andre Hawke. Her meeting with Andre does not go exactly as planned and when he offers her a job as his press agent, she accepts the job despite her reservations.
Stacey and Andre are both very loyal and dedicated to their families. Stacey has been raising and financially supporting her younger sister, Bella, for several years. Until recently, Andre’s brother Tony has successfully managed Andre’s career. Andre will do anything to protect his brother from public scrutiny as Tony undergoes treatment for his alcohol and gambling addiction.
One of the underlying themes of Close Up Magic is trust. Andre is still struggling to recover from Tony’s betrayal. Due to her chaotic home life, Stacey has never trusted anyone except for Bella. Stacey and Andre’s relationship develops rapidly and Andre is quick to trust his instincts that Stacey will not betray him. Stacey is more cautious but Andre soon wins her over.
One of the other themes of Close Up Magic is betrayal. Both Andre and Stacey implicitly trust their siblings, and in Andre’s case, Tony’s addictions unintentionally betray Andre’s trust. Stacey is suspicious of a fellow reporter, but are those suspicions unfounded?
The plot of Close Up Magic is a little predictable but Michelle Garren Flye does throw in a few unexpected twists. Neither Stacey nor Andre react as anticipated to the conflict that occurs between them. Stacey and Andre have a wonderful capacity for forgiveness and the resolution of their issues is absolutely delightful. An overall compelling and magical story that fans of contemporary romances are sure to enjoy.
Thanks for the review Kathy!