Title: The Sheik Retold by Victoria Vane & E.M. Hull
Publisher: Vane Publishing
Genre: Historical, Erotic, Romance
Length: 274 pages
The Desert Was Never Hotter…
Pride and passion vie for supremacy in this steamy re-telling of E.M. Hull’s romance classic.
A haughty young heiress for whom the world is a playground…A savage son of the Sahara who knows no law but his own…When pride and passion vie for supremacy, blistering desert days are nothing compared to sizzling Sahara nights…
“There will be inquiries.” I choked out. “I am not such a nonentity that nothing will be done when I am missed. You will pay for what you have done.”
“Pay?” His amused look sent a cold feeling of dread through me. “I have already paid… in gold that matches your hair, my gazelle. Besides,” he continued, “the French Government has no jurisdiction over me. There is no authority here above my own.”
My trepidation was growing by the minute. “Why have you done this? Why have you brought me here?”
“Why?” He repeated with a slow and heated appraisal that made me acutely, almost painfully, conscious of my sex. “Bon Dieu! Are you not woman enough to know?”
** NOTE** Due to differing copyright laws, this book is currently only available in North America.
Amazon currently has the paperback version discounted to a low price of $9.46. The Kindle version has been discounted 40% (purchase price $2.99) until September 16. Click HERE for both Amazon versions. Other e-book formats are available at Smashwords for the same price using coupon code : NJ57W Click HERE to purchase.
“Diana, give up this insane trip.”
“I will not.”
“I’ve a thundering good mind to make you.”
I gave an unladylike snort. “You can’t,” I said flatly. “I’m my own mistress now. You have no claim on me. We needn’t make any further pretence about it, for I am not going to argue any more. I will not go back to Biskra.”
“If you are afraid of being laughed at——”
“I am not afraid of being laughed at! Only cowards are afraid of that, and I am not a coward. I have said my last word, Aubrey. It is your own considerations and not mine that are at the bottom of your remonstrance. You do not deny it because it is true.”
I knew exactly the grievance he had been nursing. Maybe he now suffered some small prickings of conscience on my upbringing, but I had no doubt that concern for his own comfort troubled him most. Aubrey always had been, and always would be, supremely selfish.
We stared each other down across the little table until his eyeglass fell with a little sharp tinkle against his waistcoat button. I watched his angry flush of color with an absurd wave of amusement. Although we were perilously close to degenerating into a vulgar quarrel, it was a true spectacle to rouse the lazy Aubrey to wrath.
“You’re a damned obstinate little devil!” he exclaimed.
“I am what you have made me— as hard as yourself— so how can you quarrel with the result? It is illogical. This is your fault, not mine, but I don’t want to wrangle with you any more. My life is now my own to deal with, and I will deal with it exactly as I wish. I will do what I choose when and how I choose, and I will never again obey any will but my own.”
Aubrey’s mouth hardened. His eyes narrowed. “Then I hope to Heaven that one day you will fall into the hands of a man who will make you obey.”
I rose with a scornful laugh, flinging over my shoulder as I stormed back to my tent, “Then Heaven help him who tries!”
Author Bio
Victoria Vane is an award-winning romance novelist, cowboy addict and history junkie whose collective works of fiction range from wildly comedic romps to emotionally compelling erotic romance. Victoria also writes historical fiction as Emery Lee and is the founder of Goodreads Romantic Historical Fiction Lovers and the Romantic Historical Lovers book review blog.
Look for Victoria’s Contemporary Cowboy Series coming summer 2014 from Sourcebooks
Connect with Ms. Vane: Email * Website * Blog * Twitter * Facebook
Ms. Vane is giving away a digital copy of A Wild’s Night Bride or A Breach of Promise (WINNER’S CHOICE) to one lucky commenter. Here’s how to enter:
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A Breach of Promise sounds very good, thank you for the giveaway
Wow they both sound really good, so hard to choose just one but since I must I choose A Wild’s Night Bride!
I watched the old movie The Sheik and loved it. I haven’t read the original book though, so am glad this one has been written. Since Victoria wrote it, I’m sure I’ll love it. 🙂
A Wild Night’s Bride would be my choice if I’m so lucky!