Title: The Second Time I Saw You by Pippa Croft
OxFord Blue Series Book Two
Publisher: Penguin
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance
Length: 366 pages
Book Rating: B
Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley
Lauren and Alexander’s journey continues in the second novel in Pippa Croft’s Oxford Blue romance series.
It’s the beginning of a new term at Wyckham College, Oxford, and a fresh start for Lauren Cusack. Her fingers were badly burnt when a whirlwind romance with gorgeous English aristocrat, Alexander Hunt, became too hot to handle – and now she’s determined to keep her distance.
Her resolve is shaken when Alexander appears on her doorstep – he’s been completely torn apart by some devastating news. Lauren knows that she should stay away, but their chemistry is undeniable and she soon finds herself back in Alexander’s arms.
Can Lauren handle the drama that comes with Alexander Hunt? Or will she have to sacrifice the most exhilarating passion she’s ever known . . .
Fans of E L James, Tammara Webber and Beth Kery won’t be able to get enough of Pippa Croft’s Oxford Blue romance series. The First Time We Met and The Second Time I Saw You are the first two novels in the series, followed by Third Time Lucky, which is also available to pre-order from Penguin.
The Review:
The Second Time I Saw You, the second novel in Pippa Croft’s Oxford Blue series, is a continuation of Lauren Cusack and Alexander Hunt’s tumultuous but scorching hot romance. Beginning with Lauren’s return to England following Christmas break, this installment follows this passionate couple through a few more ups and downs and ends with a dramatic cliffhanger.
Lauren returns to England for her second term at Wyckham College and she is firmly resolved to stay away from Alexander. But that vow is quickly set aside upon her arrival when Alexander is waiting for her with stunning news. Lauren finds herself swept back into the Hunt family drama as they cope with the aftereffects of an unexpected tragedy. Still unable to resist their smoldering desire, Lauren and Alexander resume their relationship but will their fragile bond survive when a secret comes to light?
Lauren considers herself strong and in control of her life, but her helpless response to Alexander brings this opinion into question time and again. She is compassionate and caring, so her willingness to support Alexander is not surprising nor is it unexpected that she complies with his request to be there for his sister, Emma. What is surprising is the lack of judgment Lauren displays when Emma confides in her and she agrees to keep the information from Alexander. Lauren has compelling reasons for keeping quiet, but it is just a matter of time before the information is revealed.
Alexander is still rather enigmatic and taciturn but in this outing, he is beginning to unravel as the weight of responsibility falls squarely on his shoulders. Torn between duty and his dreams, Alexander is juggling his studies, his career and unexpected family obligations. He is much more vulnerable during the course of the story as his life implodes, but Alexander remains firmly in control of his relationship with Lauren.
Lauren and Alexander’s romance continues to be based on their mutual lust and their sex scenes are still incendiary. But the change in Alexander’s circumstances makes him a little easier to relate to and he is more open with Lauren. They agree to be complete honest with one another and Lauren’s omission is a betrayal of trust that he finds impossible to overlook. While at first unbending and unforgiving, Alexander makes an unexpected gesture that is quite romantic and makes the cliffhanger that much more shocking.
The Second Time I Saw You is an absolutely brilliant addition to the Oxford Blue series. Lauren and Alexander are vibrantly developed, three dimensional characters that are quite appealing. But it is Pippa Croft’s fresh and innovative storyline that makes the novel such an outstanding read. She makes it impossible not to become fully invested in the final outcome of this beleaguered couple’s relationship and I am very eager to read the conclusion to this fabulous series.
Read my review of The First Time We Met HERE.
Thank you so much for reading the series and the fabulous review! xx
My pleasure!
Thanks for the review Kathy