Title: Looking Through Water by Bob Rich
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Fiction
Length: 208 pages
More than one man’s journey to self-awareness, this is a raw, honest coming-of-age story that reveals the true meaning of family.
In Looking Through Water, William McKay finds himself reliving his past to help his troubled grandson, Kyle, deal with the present.
William’s story starts on an Adirondacks lake and wends its way through Manhattan to the Florida Keys. Colorful characters from the old man’s past come to life to help him tell an unforgettable story full of surprises and suspense. Fueled by nature’s fury, men are yanked out of their comfort zones and thrown together to confront life and death. Just as William appears to be on the brink of permanent unmooring, a stranger unexpectedly arrives to provide the tethering he has always sought.
Looking Through Water twists and turns as old wounds are revealed, wrongs are redressed, lives are threatened, understanding surfaces, and love arrives. With his grandfather’s past laid bare, Kyle must ultimately face how he might shape his future.
This story explores the emotions that make up the intricate tapestry of family structure by pulling at the threads of truth, lies, and misunderstandings.
Proceeds from the sales of Looking Through Water will be donated to Project Healing Waters (WEBSITE).
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Author Bio
BOB RICH is the author of LOOKING THROUGH WATER (Skyhorse Publishing; Nov. 2015) and the chairman of Rich Products, the largest family-owned frozen food manufacturer in the U.S. Inspired by his love for fishing and the outdoors, LOOKING THROUGH WATER explores the complex waters of familial relationships, the bond between three generations of men and the incredible transformations that can take place on the water while waiting for a fish.
Rich, a member of the South Florida Fishing Hall of Fame, fell in love with storytelling at summer camps in Northern Ontario. As he traveled from the shores of Lake Erie to the Florida Keys, he was inspired to write by one of literature’s greatest storytellers, Ernest Hemingway. Now, after producing three books—Fish Fights, The Fishing Club and The Right Angle—and coauthoring a fourth, Secrets of the Delphi Café. Rich is an avid fisherman who has traveled around the world to pursue his interest.
As chairman of Rich Products, Rich oversees 9,200 employees, including 1,300 at their headquarters in Buffalo, New York. The $3.3 billion company, founded by his father Bob Rich, Sr. in 1945, is celebrating 70 years in business.
Author Links: Website * Facebook * Goodreads
Project Healing Waters
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. (PHWFF) is dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and veterans through fly fishing and associated activities including education and outings.
Since the first program began in 2005 at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., PHWFF now has:
- 6,300 veteran participants
- 208 operational programs
- Programs in 50 states and in Germany.
- More than 2,800 volunteers
- 150,000 volunteer hours donated last year
“Sometimes I find myself speechless when people ask me what Project Healing Waters has done for me because words are untouchable to what this program has given my life and others. PHWFF saved my life and I’m completely serious about that. That’s why I want to do everything I can to give back even though I’m still in recovery myself.”
—Captain Kimberly Smith, USMC
Program activities include fly fishing instruction, fly tying classes, fly casting workshops, rod building and fly fishing outings. Each program is managed at the local level by volunteers who work with Department of Veterans Affairs facilities, Department of Defense military installations and Warrior Transition Units, amongst other institutions.
“In the previous eight outings, all male, I had never been asked to buy the ingredients for S’mores and to build a fire…This request was proof to me that healing had begun. For all of our female vets, tears had become smiles, fear had become quiet resolution and nine individuals had become one team.”
–Texas program lead
For more information, visit www.projecthealingwaters.org.
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