Tour Stop, Excerpt #1 & PRINT Giveaway: Strictly Confidential by Lynda Aicher

Title: Strictly Confidential by Lynda Aicher
The Boardroom Series Book Three
Publisher: Carina Press
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, BDSM, Romance
Length: 304 pages


What’s your pleasure?

From Lynda Aicher, author of the bestselling Wicked Play books, comes an exclusive invitation to the Boardroom—where working late has its rewards.

Life is about power—who has it, who doesn’t.

Anyone who says otherwise hasn’t spent time in Kennedy Keller’s business-casual two-point-five-inch heels. A woman in a world very much run by men, Kennedy does whatever it takes to keep her power, in the office and outside of it.

Until she lets her guard down and decides to submit to a man for just one night. He’s everything she doesn’t usually let herself have: sexy, strong…dominant.

Matt Hamilton said goodbye to the Dom life years ago—power games and the delectable push/pull of dominance and submission might start in the bedroom, but it never stays there.

Reunited in the Boardroom, Matt and Kennedy test their desires and boundaries…and learn that one night is never just one night.

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Purchase Links: Amazon * B&N * Carina Press

Excerpt #1

“I’ll take a gin and tonic,” a woman said as she dropped onto the barstool beside him. Her shoulders visibly sagged, relief swooping in on a brief reprieve before she released a smile and added, “Please.”

The bartender straightened, her expression swinging back to polite in a shift so quick Matt almost laughed. “Bombay?” she asked.

“Sure,” the woman responded with a dose of sarcas­tic enthusiasm. “Sounds great.”

He let his laughter out this time. “Long day?”

The woman glanced at him as she lowered her leather briefcase to the ground. “I thought that’d be obvious.”

He nodded, acknowledging the truth of her statement as he took in her sleek black pantsuit and white blouse beneath. “Convention drain?”

Her lips twitched, countering her deep exhale. “Yes.”

He could commiserate with her on that. For a man who rarely traveled, let alone attended a national con­vention that drew in thousands of people, the event was a special form of social hell for him. But as the new owner of McPherson Trucking, he saw networking as a required evil if he wanted to expand the company.

The bartender set her drink on the bar, and Matt lifted his glass in a toast to his bar mate, waiting until she clicked it with hers. She took a long drink, her smile full and beautiful when she sat back. “I so needed that.”

He froze, his own glass held suspended in the air. He couldn’t look away when she leveled the full im­pact of her smile on him. Her eyes were a striking hue of blue-green that danced with amused relief, mesmer­izing him. How long had it been since he’d noticed a woman’s smile, let alone her eyes?

Too long.

He chased away his thoughts and interest with a much-needed drink. The TV mounted over the bar provided an excellent distraction, but awareness prick­led over his side and teased at desires he shouldn’t ac­knowledge.

She shifted on the stool, crossing her legs as she flicked through her phone, her dark red nails flashing with each decisive swipe. She tucked her hair behind her ear, but the long locks escaped to fall in a gentle wave over her shoulder. Every detail was caught in his peripheral vision until he gave up his pretense and stud­ied her openly.

Her features were young but mature at once in a way that coincided with her mannerisms. She was alone in a bar getting a drink, and she’d chosen the seat next to his when there were empty ones lining the bar, along with plenty of free tables. That bold statement intrigued him more than it should. Yet she hadn’t pushed their conversation or initiated the flirting dance.

Her scowl deepened the longer she stared at her phone, the slight pull leaving a small crease between her brows. He itched to rub it away as all signs of her previous relief vanished.

What was causing her stress?

He cut off the thought as soon as it’d formed. It was none of his business. She was none of his business.

Author Bio

Lynda Aicher has always loved to read. After years of weekly travel implementing computer software into global companies, she ended her nomadic lifestyle to raise her two children. Now her imagination is her only limitation on where she can go and her writing lets her escape from the daily duties as a mom, wife, chauffeur, scheduler, cook, teacher, volunteer, cleaner and mediator.

Author Links: Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Goodreads


I am giving away ONE PRINT copy of Strictly Confidential (US Addresses ONLY). To enter today’s contest, fill out the form below. PLEASE NOTE: Contest is open to US mailing address ONLY. Contest ends 5 PM mountain time Friday August 31st .


* I am the only person who will have access to info that is submitted to me UNLESS a publisher or author has donated an eBook or print book for the giveaway. For a prize donated by an author or publisher, I will forward your e-mail and format selection or address to the person responsible for distributing the prize. Please refer to the privacy page HERE if you have questions about how your information is used. In the event the contest form is not working, please leave your book selection in the comments below.*

The book for this giveaway has been generously provided by the author and/or publisher. Winner will be selected by The author and/or publisher will mail the prize to the winners. Not responsible for lost or misdirected packages.

Follow the rest of the tour HERE.

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Filed under Blog Tour, Contest, Excerpt

One Response to Tour Stop, Excerpt #1 & PRINT Giveaway: Strictly Confidential by Lynda Aicher

  1. Thanks for featuring this excerpt for the tour!