Tour Stop & Excerpt: Three Bears by A. Nybo

Hello to everyone and a special G’day to Kathy. Thanks so much for hosting this leg of my Three Bears tour!

Title: Three Bears by A. Nybo
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary, Gay, Ménage, Romance
Length: 82 pages/Word Count: 28,848


At Three Bears surf break, the attraction between a group of friends is anything but “Luke warm….”

Dan goes to stay with his best friend Josh in Margaret River, the surfing capital of Western Australia, to sort out his sexual confusion. But his best friend is the source of that confusion. Having never been attracted to a man other than Josh, Dan fears risking their friendship just to discover men aren’t his thing.

Within the first few days, Dan meets Luke, a local barista who offers him surf lessons. Dan soon finds himself emotionally coveting not one, but two men. When they go to Three Bears, his hidden desires begin to emerge. As the ambiguity of Dan’s mixed signals clears, it becomes apparent both of his surfing companions want him—badly.

It is only when Luke and Josh hook up that they formulate “Operation Three Bears,” an adventurous plan that might lead to a satisfying outcome for all of them.

World of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the globe.

Add to Goodreads.

Purchase Links: Dreamspinner Press * Amazon


After I’d showered, I returned to the lounge room to find Dan watching TV. I sprawled along the couch and watched some guy talking about winemakers in the Barossa Valley.

“What the hell are we watching this for? I get enough of this shit at work,” I complained.
As soon as I reached for the TV remote, Dan leaped from his chair and made a grab for it, but I snatched it from beneath his hand.

“I’m getting an education, wanker!” His seriousness was marred by the grin he was trying to suppress.
He grabbed my wrist, but I yanked it from his hold and held the remote on my other side, out of his reach.

With a full-on tackle, he knocked me to the couch, and we wrestled for the grand prize. Giggling like a couple of kids, I employed the age-old tickling torture. Dan rolled onto his front to protect his stomach, and was laughing so hard, he sounded like he was about to wet himself.

I still had hold of the remote, but he had my hand pinned and trapped beneath him, holding the remote to his stomach. Both his hands tried to open my viselike grip on the plastic box, while I used my body to hold him down, tickling with my free hand. The scent of the rosemary and garlic he’d used in the cooking was strong in my nostrils.

Dan wriggled beneath me, trying to throw me off. He turned his head as far as he could, looked at me from the corner of his eye, and grinned. His expression lit me up inside like a Christmas tree dressed in neon lights, and the power of it was heading straight to my dick.
Shit, shit, shit—this couldn’t be happening.

I dropped the remote like it had zapped me, and shoving Dan into the couch, I extricated myself. “You win.” I tried to flash a grin, but it probably just made me look like I had tasted caviar for the first time. My heart was pumping ten to the dozen, and I had to escape the lounge room before my hard-on became obvious.

By the time I reached the safety of the toilet, I had a hard-on from hell. Dan was going to announce dinner was ready at any moment, and I couldn’t go out there like this. I looked down at the bulge in my sweatpants and was transported right back to when we were teenagers and all the times I’d had to make quick exits for this very reason. Experience told me there was only one thing for it—I had to wear this sucker out. Pronto.

Author Bio

A. Nybo has tried conventional methods (a psych degree and a GC in Forensic Mental Health) but far prefers the less conventional, such as the occasional barbecue in the rain, 400km drives at 1am for chocolate, and multiple emergency naps in any given 24hr period. Favourite things to do include that which can be seen (e.g. reading, writing, drawing, walking the dogs, travelling) and that which can’t, such as dreaming (both awake and asleep).

Western Australian born, she has been spotted on the other side of the planet several times–usually by mosquitoes. And discovered Amazonian mosquitoes love her just as much as they do in her home state.

Author Links: Email * Twitter * Goodreads


Filed under Blog Tour, Excerpt

2 Responses to Tour Stop & Excerpt: Three Bears by A. Nybo

  1. Thanks so much. 🙂