This month’s reading challenge is to read a book featuring pets or animals.
I am an animal lover so I absolutely love when authors incorporate pets or animals into the storyline. Book summaries do not always mention pets, so thank goodness for books which prominently show pets or animals on their covers!
My first selection is Sit! Stay! Speak! by Annie England Noblin. The puppy on the cover is so incredibly adorable that I one clicked it without reading the summary. I have to admit I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when I read the summary and realized this is MY KIND OF BOOK! Small town setting? Check! Quirky characters? Double check! LOVABLE puppy? Triple check! And of course the storyline promises to be emotional which I always like. It a;sp certainly helps that I have read two other novels by Ms. Noble that I absolutely loved so I will be shocked if I don’t enjoy Sit! Stay! Speak!.
Want to know what Sit! Stay! Speak! is about? Click HERE to read the summary.
Now the second book I selected is actually what gave me the idea for this month’s challenge. The cover of John Inman’s Strays and Lovers also features a too cute for words dog. And oh, my gosh. The look the man on the cover is sharing with the dog is heart melting. The book summary sealed the deal for me in a few ways. Mostly it is cause I am a huge fan of novels which feature older characters. Our animal loving lead is in his mid-forties so my interest is definitely piqued. On the other hand, his love interest appears to be much younger. That’s a check in the minus column since I’m not big on May/December romances. BUT! I have never met a John Inman novel that I haven’t loved, so I am certain I will love Strays and Lovers.
Want to know what Strays and Lovers is about? Click HERE to read the book summary.
Now it’s your turn to select a book for this month’s challenge. Will it be a book with adorable pets? Or will it be a novel featuring shape-shifters? We’ll check back in next month and see if you met your challenge and whether or not you enjoyed your selection!
Happy Reading!
If you participated in last month’s challenge, check out the discussion post HERE and let us know if you met your challenge!
Going with And Beagle Makes Three by Geoffrey Knight.
I think it was a combo of the joyful cover photo and the title that made me buy this
The cover is fantastic! I’m looking forward to hearing what you think about it.