Friday Feature & Giveaway: Illumined Shadows by G.R. Lyons

Title: Illumined Shadows by G.R. Lyons
Treble and the Lost Boys Series Book Three
Publisher: G.R. Lyons
Genre: Contemporary, Gay, Romance
Length: 295 pages


When Victor Lucius was sixteen years old, a few cruel words out of his mouth led to a brutal tragedy, one that Vic has been trying to make up for ever since. Now, working as a missing persons expert, Vic tracks down and rescues people from abandonment or abuse, trying to alleviate the guilt constantly weighing him down.

His latest case—a boy who was kidnapped at the age of two and then held captive for nineteen years—is by far the darkest of his career. If there’s any chance of Vic finally redeeming himself, helping this boy might be it.

But rescuing Colby from his basement prison is only the beginning, and brings a whole new struggle to Vic’s life:


(Note: This story takes place in a fictional world, the same as in the Shifting Isles Series. There are multiple gods, different names for the days of the week, etc. A glossary is included.)

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Purchase Links: Amazon US * Amazon UK

Treble and the Lost Boys Series Purchase Links:

Ice on Fire: Amazon US * Amazon UK
Heavens Aground: Amazon US * Amazon UK

Author Bio

While daylighting as office manager for the family auto repair business, G.R. Lyons can often be found working on one of multiple manuscripts or desperately trying to keep up with the TBR pile.

Anarcho-capitalist, quietly ‘out’ trans guy, former belly dancer, coffee guzzler, highly-sensitive introvert, CrossFit enthusiast, and lover of m/m romantic fiction.

Author Links: Website * Facebook * Twitter * Email * Amazon Author Page * Goodreads * Pinterest


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1 Comment

Filed under Contest, Friday Feature

One Response to Friday Feature & Giveaway: Illumined Shadows by G.R. Lyons

  1. Timitra

    Thanks for featuring