December Reading Challenge Discussion

December’s Reading Challenge was to read a book featuring pets or animals.

My first selection is Sit! Stay! Speak! by Annie England Noblin. I have read two other books by her and I absolutely loved them. Sit! Stay! Speak! is her debut novel and while I enjoyed it, there is no mistaking it is a first book. The novel jumped around a bit during the scenes which was a little confusing. The timeline is also somewhat hard to follow since there are mentions of lead character, Addie Andrews, being in town for a different lengths of time. And the puppy is absolutely adorable, but there is no mention of training him yet he is magically housebroken and well trained.

Now on to the best part of the novel. Addie, is of course, a wonderful character. She is only planning on staying in town long enough to sell the house she has inherited. But she keeps finding reasons (i.e. excuses) to prolong her visit. Addie becomes mixed up with criminal enterprise and she is also smitten with lawyer turned farmer Jasper, who blows hot and cold with her. All becomes clear by the novel’s end, but it’s quite the journey for both Addie and the reader.

Want to know what Sit! Stay! Speak! is about? Click HERE to read the summary.

The second novel I selected is John Inman’s Strays and Lovers. I have read and enjoyed several of Mr. Inman’s mystery books. Strays and Lovers is a flat out romance and while I liked it, the characters and storyline don’t have a lot of depth. Which sounds bad, but it really isn’t! Strays and Lovers is a light read that is a wonderful way to while away an evening.

Lead character Eddie Hightower is in his mid-forties and owns a non-profit animal sanctuary. He barely breaks even but he really doesn’t care since he really loves the animals he rescues then adopts out. Eddie is a little lonely but he is, overall, satisfied with his life.

When he meets newcomer Gray Grissom, Eddie is intrigued. Gray is in his mid-twenties and he is the strong, silent type. The two are definitely attracted to each other and their sex scenes are very steamy. Gray does not like to talk about himself, but when circumstances force them into very close proximity, he gradually begins to open up. Although Gray is reluctant to talk about himself, the romance between him and Eddie is very sweet and conflict free.

Want to know what Strays and Lovers is about? Click HERE to read the book summary.

Now, it’s your turn to talk about the book you selected for December’s challenge. Hopefully you enjoyed it!


Check out January’s challenge HERE.


Filed under Reading Challenge

2 Responses to December Reading Challenge Discussion

  1. Suze

    In December I reas And Beagle makes Three by Geoffrey Knight. It is a very fast paced story and I enjoyed it a lot, despite the sad theme. There was some humour as well, mostly around Stu and his newly found attraction to men. His in laws were kind of annoyingly the worst of lots of stereotypes- but we did get reasons and a hopeful future there. Naughty author with Digby the Beagle twist!
    But a hopeful ending as Stu and Atty seem to have rebonded and Stu has a date!!!

    • Book Reviews & More by Kathy

      I’m definitely going to add this one to my TBR. I’m glad you enjoyed your selection!