Review: You and Me and Us by Alison Hammer

Title: You and Me and Us by Alison Hammer
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Genre: Contemporary, Women’s Fiction
Length: 422 pages
Book Rating:

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through Edelweiss


The heartbreaking, yet hopeful, story of a mother and daughter struggling to be a family without the one person who holds them together—a perfect summer read for fans of Jojo Moyes and Marisa de los Santos.

Alexis Gold knows how to put the “work” in working mom. It’s the “mom” part that she’s been struggling with lately. Since opening her own advertising agency three years ago, Alexis has all but given up on finding a good work/life balance. Instead, she’s handed over the household reins to her supportive, loving partner, Tommy. While he’s quick to say they divide and conquer, Alexis knows that Tommy does most of the heavy lifting—especially when it comes to their teenage daughter, CeCe.

Their world changes in an instant when Tommy receives a terminal cancer diagnosis, and Alexis realizes everything she’s worked relentlessly for doesn’t matter without him. So Alexis does what Tommy has done for her almost every day since they were twelve-year-old kids in Destin, Florida—she puts him first. And when the only thing Tommy wants is to spend one last summer together at “their” beach, she puts her career on hold to make it happen…even if it means putting her family within striking distance of Tommy’s ex, an actress CeCe idolizes.

But Alexis and Tommy aren’t the only ones whose lives have been turned inside out. In addition to dealing with the normal ups and downs that come with being a teenager, CeCe is also forced to confront her feelings about Tommy’s illness—and what will happen when the one person who’s always been there for her is gone. When the magic of first love brings a bright spot to her summer, CeCe is determined not to let her mother ruin that for her, too.

As CeCe’s behavior becomes more rebellious, Alexis realizes the only thing harder for her than losing Tommy will be convincing CeCe to give her one more chance.

You and Me and Us is a beautifully written novel that examines the unexpected ways loss teaches us how to love.


You and Me and Us by Alison Hammer is a bittersweet novel of loss, grief and ultimately, love.

Alexis Gold is a workaholic business owner whose best efforts to be present with her family often fall short. But luckily for her, her partner Tommy Whistler is always there for their daughter CeCe. But in one stunning moment, Alexis and CeCe’s world is upended after Tommy is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Although Alexis is slow to accept Tommy’s plans for the time he has left, she eventually relents and agrees to return to the family’s beach house Destin, FL. Letting go of the reins of her and her friend’s Becky’s business is easier than expected. But Alexis still finds it impossible to envision a future without Tommy. At the same time, she is working hard to become the mother CeCe is going to need by summer’s end.

Alexis prioritizes her career over  her family which has damaged her relationship with CeCe. But Alexis convinces herself that Tommy makes up her shortcomings as a mother. Her husband is her rock and he is supportive and loving.  Unmoored by the diagnosis, Alexis is initially quite resistant to what Tommy wants, but realizing she will not change his mind, she soon capitulates. Although not all happy about spending the summer in Destin, Alexis is grateful for her longtime best friend  Jill’s support once they are settled in at the beach house.

CeCe adores her father but she is quite angry with her mother for putting her career first. CeCe has always been easygoing and co-operative with her parents, but she becomes a little rebellious following Tommy’s diagnosis. CeCe dreams of becoming an actress so she is delighted to discover a streaming show is filming in Destin.  Unbeknownst to CeCe, her parents have an unexpected connection to one of the stars.

You and Me and Us is a captivating novel that is poignant, heartfelt and emotional. The characters are well-rounded and vibrantly developed. The storyline is compelling and deeply affecting. The beach setting is the perfect backdrop for Alexis, Tommy and CeCe to come together as a family. Deftly balancing sorrow with love, Alison Hammer brings this heartfelt novel to an uplifting, hope-filled conclusion. An absolutely heartwarming debut that I thoroughly enjoyed and highly recommend.

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