Review: The Secrets of Bones by Kylie Logan

Title: The Secrets of Bones by Kylie Logan
Jazz Ramsey Mystery Series Book Two
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense
Length: 336 pages
Book Rating: B

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley


Second in a new series from national bestselling author Kylie Logan, The Secrets of Bones is a riveting mystery following Jazz Ramsey as she trains a cadaver dog.

Assembly Day at St. Catherine’s dawns bright and cloudless as professional woman gather from all around Ohio to talk to the schoolgirls about their careers ranging from medicine, to NASA, to yoga. Jazz Ramsey has also signed up to give the girls a taste of her lifelong passion: cadaver dog training. Her adorable new puppy Wally hasn’t been certified yet, so she borrows the fully-trained Gus from a friend and hides a few bones in the unused fourth floor of the school for him to find.

The girls are impressed when Gus easily finds the first bone, but then Gus heads confidently to a part of the floor where Jazz is sure no bones are hidden—at least not any that she’s put there. But Gus is a professional, and sure enough, behind a door that no one has opened in ages, is a human skeleton. Jazz recognizes the necklace the skeleton is wearing, and that it belonged to Bernadette Quinn, an ex-teacher at the school who’d quit her job abruptly one Christmas break. But now it seems Bernadette never left the school at all, and her hiding place makes it clear: this was murder.

Bernadette in life had been a difficult personality, and so there are a plethora of suspects inside the school and out of it. As Jazz gets closer to the truth she can’t help but wonder if someone might be dogging her footsteps…


The Secrets of Bones by Kylie Logan is an engrossing cozy mystery. Although this newest release is the second installment in the Jazz Ramsey Mystery series, it can be read as a standalone.

Administrative Assistant Jazz Ramsey fills in for a no show during Assembly Day at St. Catherine’s Predatory Academy.  Because Jazz works with cadaver dogs in her spare time, she borrows a friend’s dog Gus to show off his skills to  the students. Jazz has placed a couple of “finds” and the students are excited when he discovers one of her items. But when Gus alerts a second time, Jazz knows something is very wrong since he is indicating a spot where she did not place anything for the demonstration.

Quickly ushering the girls back to class, Jazz is shocked to find a skeleton. And based on the clothing and a distinctive piece of jewelry, she and her boss Sister Eileen Flannery believe they have just found missing teacher Bernadette Quinn.  The Religion teacher could be a bit difficult, but neither Jazz nor Eileen can guess who would have murdered her.  Jazz is dismayed that Detective Gary Lindsey seems to have settled on a suspect so she begins investigating on her own. Will she unmask the killer before it is too late?

Jazz cautiously begins searching for answers in an effort to find Bernadette’s murderer.  Quinn was a good teacher but her interpersonal skills left a lot to be desired. She was also ultra religious which ordinarily would not be a problem but her beliefs took an unusual turn. Bernadette’s relationship with student Maddie Parks was also a little troubling. Neither Sister Eileen nor Jazz believe there was anything inappropriate going on but Sister Eileen did take steps to put the relationship back in a professional setting.

As Jazz questions some of her co-workers, she unearths some intriguing information. She also learns that Bernadette’s only family is her cousin Sam Tillner who does not seem to have been overly worried about her disappearance. Jazz also recalls finding Bernadette very upset on one occasion and she is surprised when she finds out the reason for the teacher’s out of character distress.   All of this is very interesting, but will Jazz figure out who is responsible for Bernadette’s murder?

The Secrets of Bones is a well-written mystery with an intriguing plot and fantastic cast of characters. Jazz is too curious for her own good on occasion but her heart is always in the right place as she tries to find Bernadette’s killer.  Jazz’s ex-boyfriend Detective Nick Kolesov makes a few timely guest appearances and gives her some inside information. Although now just friends, Jazz is encouraged that they might eventually reconcile. Late in the story, Jazz’s investigation takes a shocking turn and Kylie Logan brings this clever mystery to an exciting, unpredictable conclusion.  Old and new fans will enjoy this newest addition to the Jazz Ramsey Mystery series.


Filed under Contemporary, Jazz Ramsey Mystery Series, Kylie Logan, Minotaur Books, Mystery, Rated B, Review, Suspense, The Secrets of Bones

2 Responses to Review: The Secrets of Bones by Kylie Logan

  1. So glad you enjoyed it!