Review: Until I Find You by Rea Frey

Title: Until I Find You by Rea Frey
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Genre: Contemporary, Domestic Mystery, Suspense
Length: 316 pages
Book Rating: B+

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley


In Until I Find You, celebrated author Rea Frey brings you her most explosive, emotional, taut domestic drama yet about the powerful bond between mothers and children…and how far one woman will go to bring her son home.

2 floors. 55 steps to go up. 40 more to the crib.

Since Rebecca Gray was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease, everything in her life consists of numbers. Each day her world grows a little darker and each step becomes a little more dangerous.

Following days of feeling like someone’s watching her, Bec awakes at home to the cries of her son in his nursery. When it’s clear he’s not going to settle, Bec goes to check on him.
She reaches in. Picks him up.
But he’s not her son.
And no one believes her.

One woman’s desperate search for her son . . .

In a world where seeing is believing, Bec must rely on her own conviction and a mother’s instinct to uncover the truth about what happened to her baby and bring him home for good.


Until I Find You by Rea Frey is an edge of the seat domestic mystery.

Widowed mother to three month old Jackson, Bec Gray has lost most of her vision due to a degenerative eye disease. She is still grieving the death of her husband Chris and she has also recently suffered another heartrending loss. Living on her own and refusing any help offered to her, Bec is exhausted and struggling with her increasing fears that something will happen to Jackson. Suffering from nightmares and insomnia, Bec is already on edge when she makes a shocking discovery: someone has swapped Jackson for another baby. With her ex-boyfriend homicide detective Jake Donovan suddenly back in her life, he tries to convince the local police department to take her assertions seriously. But with the police slow to act, he and Bec try to figure out whose baby she is now caring for.

Bec has a circle of friends who are only a phone call or text away. Jess also has a young baby but she has a nanny to help care for her son. She urges Bec to allow her to take Jackson to give her a much needed break, but Bec stubbornly refuses. When Bec tells her about the baby switch, will Jess believe her friend?

Beth is another mom that Bec and Jess spend time with. Her baby is about the same age as Jackson but their parenting philosophies are quite different.  Her son is much fussier than Jackson but Beth would not switch babies with Bec. Would she?

Bec also attends a grief support group and she has become close friends with Crystal and her ten year old daughter Savi. The women have bonded over their respective losses but their lives are quite different. Crystal is busy building her interior design business while Bec is focused on caring for Jackson. Beth is initially unaware of about Bec’s search for Jackson, but she completely and fully supports and believes her friend’s belief that her son is missing.

Switching seamlessly between Bec’s and Crystal’s perspectives, Until I Find You is a chilling domestic mystery. Bec’s anxiety and increasing desperation are palpable as she frantically tries to find Jackson. The storyline is engrossing and the tension builds to a fever pitch with every chapter.  With a jaw-dropping plot-twist, Rea Frey brings this riveting mystery to an unanticipated conclusion.  I greatly enjoyed and highly recommend this clever mystery to fans of the genre.

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Filed under Contemporary, Domestic Mystery, Mystery, Rated B+, Rea Frey, Review, St Martin's Griffin, Suspense, Until I Find You

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