August Reading Challenge Discussion

August’s Reading Challenge was to read a novel that it took you a while to decide to read.

I was upfront that I probably wouldn’t have the chance to read the book I selected for this month’s challenge. But I was secretly hoping I’d be able to read Razorblade Tears by S.A. Crosby. I am very disappointed that I didn’t have opportunity to fit into my schedule. I am still incredibly behind with my reviews while also dealing with health issues from an autoimmune disease. Fingers crossed the new medication I am starting next month works!

Please click HERE to learn more about Razorblade Tears.

Did you enjoy the book you selected for this month’s challenge? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts about your selection!


Check out September’s challenge HERE.


Filed under Reading Challenge

2 Responses to August Reading Challenge Discussion

  1. Suze

    I read Coddiwomple by SE Harmon
    Enjoyed it, though I felt like I lost a bit of the engagement in the middle but rallied in the end!
    A tale of second chances, dogs, returning home, home truths and dollops of love. Enjoyed the humour, especially the dog names, and that provided the only really emotional bit!
    JJ had had a tough lot and I felt his family under appreciated him.