March Reading Challenge: Spring!

March’s Reading Challenge is to read a novel with “spring” in the title or series name.

It’s not officially spring yet but I’m guessing a lot of people are ready to see winter in their rearview mirrors. So, spring it is for this month’s challenge!

I am going to read Her Amish Springtime Miracle by Winnie Griggs. With the next book in the Hope’s Haven series releasing next month, I thought I’d take the opportunity to catch up on the series.

I randomly selected my book by going to my Amazon library & my Goodreads shelves and searching for spring. I’m amazed at how many books I own either have spring in the title or the series name.

Please click HERE to learn more about Her Amish Springtime Miracle.

I am looking forward to your selection!
Happy Reading!!

If you participated in last month’s challenge, check out the discussion post HERE and let us know if you met your challenge!

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