September Reading Challenge Discussion

September’s Reading Challenge was to read a book from another Reading Challenge.

I really enjoyed my challenge book, Wild Dogs by Michael Trant. This adventure thriller set in the Western Australian Outback is full of non-stop action. The characters are well-drawn and the good guys are very likable. The isolated setting springs vibrantly to life. The storyline is engaging and well-developed. I am very much looking forward to reading the sequel, No Trace.

Please click HERE to learn more about Wild Dogs.

Did you enjoy the book you selected for the challenge? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts about your selection!

Check out October’s challenge HERE.


Filed under Reading Challenge

2 Responses to September Reading Challenge Discussion

  1. Katherine

    I am enjoying the book. This was in the challenge, to listen to 10 minutes of a book every day for the month. The book I chose was Cemetery Boys written by Aiden Thomas and read by Avi Roque. Because I was listening for 10 minutes for the day or until the end of the chapter, I still have 6 chapters left! I didn’t want to run out of book before the month ended.

    The first half of the book is establishing who the characters are and relationships between them. I wish we all had a Maritza on our side. She is supportive of Yadriel. Julian and his friends are protective of each other. I hope that things turn out well for them.

    Last time I listened to this was a library loan. I liked it so much that I bought the audiobook.

  2. Book Talk & More with Kathy

    I don’t know how you could just listen 10 minutes a day! If I’m really invested in the story, I can’t resist continuing to read even if it ends up being way past my bedtime.

    I just read the synopsis and it sounds like a great read!