Title: Undying Destiny by Jessica Lee
Available June 17
Publisher: Entangled
Imprint: Edge
Genre: Paranormal, Romance
Kenric St. James is out for revenge. Over 300 years ago, an ancient female vampire turned him against his will and killed the woman he loved. He’s spent more than a century building an Enclave of warrior vampires who have sworn to defend humanity against his evil sire and her minions. But when Kenric finds a woman he finally burns to claim as his own again, Kenric knows loving her means giving his sire another target.
Emily Ross just wanted a fresh start. She’s a survivor, coming off the tail end of an abusive relationship, and craves time alone to learn who she is and to save the home that holds her heart. The last thing she needed was a controlling, alpha male calling all the shots.
Meeting Kenric might just have changed her mind, though. He is wrong for her in all the right ways. But in order to keep her heart from breaking, he first has to keep the hoards of evil vamps from stealing her very breath.
Purchase Links: Amazon * Barnes & Noble
Author Bio:
Almost every author’s bio states they’ve been writing since they learned how to read. It’s what they’ve always wanted to do. Well, my journey wasn’t so straight and narrow. I was a nurse for over twenty years and hold a bachelor’s degree in science with a major in biology. So as you can see, my career path had originally gone in the opposite direction. I didn’t discover my passion for the craft until after I’d had my son and decided to work part-time.
I’ve always loved to read but had never read a paranormal romance. Then one night at work on break, I began reading Karen Marie Moning’s Spell of the Highlander. I couldn’t believe what I’d been missing, and I immediately fell in love with the genre.
I wanted to write like that. I wanted to create worlds where others could find the same escape and fascination I did when I read my first sensual paranormal romance.
And I hope that’s what I’ve accomplished in my work. Please dive in, hold on tight, and enjoy the adventure. Just be careful in the dark—you might find more than you expected waiting for you there. *wink*
Jessica Lee lives in the southeastern United States with her husband and son. She loves writing and can’t wait for that quiet time each day when her son is in school, and she can get lost in another place and world with the fantastical, sexy creatures in her head.
She’s a member of Romance Writers of America, Carolina Romance Writers.
Author Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads
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I bet Kenric is an alpha male you just can’t resist. I’ll check!
Awesome cover it’s beautiful. Kenric sounds hot and the story sounds intriguing. I can’t wait to read it.
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5. I filled out the contest entry form
6. I completed the rafflecopter.
Thanks for the great giveaway!
A lovely cover with the browns and reds, especially liked the red tattoo.
Undying Destiny sounds fantastic. Can’t wait to read it to see more of Emily and Kenric. I love a hot alpha male!