The Pleasure Dial by Jeremy Edwards

Title: The Pleasure Dial by Jeremy Edwards
Publisher: OC Press
Genre: Historical, Erotic, Romance, M/F, F/F, Voyuerism
Length: 43,000 words
Book Rating: B

Review Copy Obtained from Publisher


The year is 1934, and amiable New York gag writer Artie Plask has taken the West Coast plunge. His first day on staff with a top radio show introduces him to the irresistible Mariel Fenton, a wit among wits who immediately takes an interest in all aspects of Artie’s life—especially his private life. As Artie finds his feet in a world of blustering comedians, pansexual sex goddesses, timid screen legends, exhibitionistic scriptwriters, and self-infatuated geniuses, Mariel leads him on a zany journey up and down the pleasure dial—a giddy romp through Hollywood that’s chock-full of airwaves showdowns, writing-room counterplots, devious impersonations, naked meetings, and a sensuality-drenched assortment of erotic escapades.

The Review:

The Pleasure Dial by Jeremy Edwards is an extremely fun and incredibly sexy story set amidst the glamour of 1934 Hollywood. Artie Plask’s first day on the job as one of Sid Heffy’s comedic writers is full of surprises and unexpected sexual adventures.

The Pleasure Dial has a superb cast of vibrant characters. Artie Plask is easy going, laidback and sexually adventurous. He is immediately attracted to Sid’s daughter, Elyse, a highly sexual young woman who does her best thinking with her hands between her thighs ;). He is also captivated by the equally attractive and sexually alluring Mariel Fenton. Mariel also possesses a keen wit and sharp intellect that Artie fully appreciates. Rounding out this fabulous cast of characters is vivacious group of writers and Hollywood starlets who keep this rollicking story moving at a brisk pace.

The Pleasure Dial by Jeremy Edwards is an animated and light-hearted story with lushly detailed and highly erotic sex scenes. It also has a fresh and innovative storyline with smart and intelligent characters who unapologetically embrace their sexuality and fully indulge their sexual appetites. A delightfully charming novel that readers are sure to enjoy.


Filed under Erotic, F/F, Historical, Jeremy Edwards, M/F, OC Press, Rated B, Romance, The Pleasure Dial, Voyeurism

4 Responses to The Pleasure Dial by Jeremy Edwards

  1. Timitra

    Sounds pretty interesting!

  2. I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing this story a little while ago- it is great fun and v sexy xx

    • Book Reviews & More by Kathy

      Yes it is! Definitely going to be reading more of Mr. Edward’s novels 😉