Announcement: All Romance eBooks (ARe) Is Closing 12/31

Just in case you have purchased books from ARe and are unaware of their announcement:

December 28, 2016

It is with great sadness that I announce our intent to wind down the operations of All Romance eBooks, LLC. For the first year since opening in 2006, we will be posting a loss. The financial forecast for 2017 isn’t hopeful and we’ve accepted that there is not a viable path forward.

We realize that you have choices when it comes to shopping via the Internet. We appreciate those of you who have chosen to shop at All Romance and will miss your patronage. We’re grateful for the years we’ve been able to serve you. The site(s) will be closing down on December 31, 2016 at Midnight (Central/US) and you will no longer have access or be able to make purchases.

Please take this opportunity to finalize any transactions, download your purchases, and back up your library.


Lori James
All Romance Ebooks, LLC

Rumor has it, ARe is NOT refunding customers for pre-orders. If this rumor is true, Dreamspinner Press has graciously offered to fulfill pre-paid Dreamspinner pre-orders from ARe. You need to forward the ARe receipt to contactATdreamspinnerpressDOTcom and the office wizards will be sure you receive the eBook at no additional cost to you.


Filed under Information

3 Responses to Announcement: All Romance eBooks (ARe) Is Closing 12/31

  1. H.B.

    Ninestar Publishing is also doing the same as DSP and honoring preorders with proof of receipt.

  2. H.B.

    Beaten Track Publishing is also offering to send ebooks to customers who bought books of theirs and is unable to download them off ARe with proof of receipt.

  3. Trix

    JMS Books is also honoring preorders…