April’s Reading Challenge: Read an Author’s Debut Novel

This month’s challenge is to read an author’s debut novel. The book can be a debut that has been recently released or it can be an established author’s first novel.

For my first selection, I am reading new author Roz Nay’s debut, Our Little Secret, which releases April 17th. I love a good mystery and this one looks very intriguing! And I have to say I absolutely love the book cover.

My next selection is established author Don Travis’s first novel, The Zozobra Incident. The mystery is set in my adopted home state of New Mexico and the settings are places I have personally visited!

I hope you have an easier time picking a book than I did! Leave a comment and let us know which book you are going to read this month. We’ll check back in next month and see if you met your challenge and whether or not you enjoyed your selection!

Happy Reading!


If you participated in last month’s challenge, check out the discussion post HERE and let us know if you met your challenge!


Filed under Reading Challenge

2 Responses to April’s Reading Challenge: Read an Author’s Debut Novel

  1. Suze

    I quite enjoyed The Zozobra Incident – lots of google travelling!!
    I am going for The District Line by CF White, originally released in 2016 (rereleased in 2018 as Kick Off). She only has 5 books and this is the first and only one of hers I have. Based in the UK which I always like.

    • Book Reviews & More by Kathy

      Glad to hear The Zozobra Incident is a good book. I hope I’ll have the chance to read the other books in the series soon.

      I just picked up Kick Off. Thanks for the recommendation! I am looking forward to reading it.