Review: Face Off by Brenda Novak

Title: Face Off by Brenda Novak
Evelyn Talbot Chronicles Book Three
Publisher: St. Martin’s Paperbacks
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense
Length: 416 pages
Book Rating: C

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley


From New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak comes Face Off, the next installment of Dr. Evelyn Talbot and her murderous home for psychopaths.


Tortured and left for dead at sixteen, Evelyn Talbot turned her personal nightmare into her life’s work—studying the disturbing psychopathy of some of the world’s most vicious serial killers. Now a leading psychiatrist at Hanover House in a small Alaskan town, she tries to believe the past will never come back to haunt her—until a woman goes missing from a cabin nearby, and every clue points to the man who once brutalized her…

As her boyfriend, who is the area’s only police, begins to investigate—and finds not one but two bodies—Evelyn can’t forget that her would-be killer, Jasper Moore, was never caught. But there are no new faces in tiny Hilltop, no one who seems suspicious or potentially violent. In this twisted game of cat and mouse, Evelyn is certain of only one thing—Jasper must be hiding in plain sight. And if she can’t find him before he comes for her, she won’t be lucky enough to survive twice…


Face Off by Brenda Novak is a suspenseful, tension-filled mystery. This third installment in the Evelyn Talbot Chronicles can be read as a standalone.

Picking up eight months after the previous novel left off, Sgt. Benjamin “Amarok” Murphy’s investigation into a missing person’s case stokes fears in Hilltop, AK that a killer is once again in their midst. Amarok’s search for missing tourist Sierra Yerbowitz  is hindered by an early winter storm. Dr. Evelyn Talbot who lives with Amarok, is afraid her nemesis, Jasper Moore, is now in Alaska and responsible for whatever happened to Sierra. However, without evidence, she tamps down her fears but unbeknownst to Evelyn and Amarok, Jasper is much, much closer than either of them could possibly imagine. Will Jasper finally finish what he started twenty-two years earlier? Or will Evelyn and Amarok outsmart the wily serial killer?

With this latest outing, not much has changed for Evelyn. She is still deeply devoted to her study of psychopaths at Hanover House. She remains conflicted over her future with Amarok who is looking for a commitment she is unable to give. Amarok’s ex-girlfriend is still waging a campaign to win him back. Evelyn’s extended family continues to pressure her to give up her work to return to Boston and set up a private practice.

Amid fears Jasper is in Alaska, Amarok invites Evelyn’s sister Brianne to visit. Her visit is fraught with tension and resentment and she lays a big guilt trip on Evelyn. Will Evelyn decide it is time to give in to her family’s demands even though she is uncertain she is ready to give up her relationship with Amarok or her study of psychopaths?

As for Jasper, he is integral to the unfolding story and he has many more on page scenes than earlier installments. In almost a comedy of errors, his attempts to nab Evelyn are stymied time and again yet he remains steadfast in his efforts to kidnap her. With his frustrations growing, Jasper makes foolhardy mistakes and numerous missteps, but will this (FINALLY) lead to his capture?

Face Off by is a well-written mystery but the story arc with Jasper has worn thin. The storyline contains virtually the same elements as the previous installments which is extremely frustrating. Evelyn remains the quintessential “woman in peril” and her insecurities, indecision and continual handwringing over her family have become tedious.  Amorak is a fantastic character and while he wants a future with Evelyn, he makes it clear that she needs to make a decision about their relationship. Much of the Japer story arc is unrealistic and the lack of discretion concerning evidence is absolutely mindboggling. It will be interesting to see what direction Brenda Novak takes the Evelyn Talbot Chronicles in the next book in the series, Blind Spot.


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