Review: Those People by Louise Candlish

Title: Those People by Louise Candlish
Publisher: Berkley
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery
Length: 370 pages
Book Rating: B

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through Edelweiss


From the author of the international bestseller Our House, a new novel of twisty domestic suspense asks, “Could you hate your neighbor enough to plot to kill him?” 

Lowland Way is the suburban dream. The houses are beautiful, the neighbors get along, and the kids play together on weekends.

But when Darren and Jodie move into the house on the corner, they donʼt follow the rules. They blast music at all hours, begin an unsightly renovation, and run a used-car business from their yard. It doesn’t take long for an all-out war to start brewing.

Then, early one Saturday, a horrific death shocks the street. As police search for witnesses, accusations start flying—and everyone has something to hide.


Those People by Louise Candlish is a character-driven mystery.

Lowland Way is a lovely place to live. Neighbors are friendly and look out for another.  Everyone co-operates for the weekly “Play Out Sunday” so kids can put away their screens and safely play outdoors. But residents are shocked when Darren Booth and his partner Jodie move in and immediately change the dynamic of the peaceful neighborhood. Tragedy strikes but who is responsible for a shocking death?

Em, Ant and their six month old son Sam unfortunately share a common wall with Darren. So the blasting rock music and ongoing construction soon become a torture with them up all hours of the night with Sam. Em is particularly affected since she is a stay at home mum. She is soon frustrated with Ant whose passivity begins to drive her insane.  Will their marriage remain intact when the dust settles?

Sissy Watkins is another casualty of Darren and his construction. She is divorced with a hefty mortgage, so she has turned her home into a B&B. Her business soon nosedives as comments about the neighbor across street affect her ratings. Now that bookings are down, Sissy is becoming desperate to save her business.  But does this mean she is involved in the tragic events playing out on their street?

Ralph and Naomi Morgan reside with their two children a few houses down from Darren. But they too feel the impact of the newcomers to their neighborhood. Parking is at a premium and with Darren selling cars from his home, he is snatching up all the available parking spots. The situation quickly escalates after an accident on Play Out Sunday and Ralph provokes Darren which soon results in all out battle between them.  But would Ralph go to any length to drive out his loathsome nemesis?

Ralph’s brother Finn, his wife Tess and their two children live right next door. Finn is pretty nonchalant about the ongoing feud, but Tess is incensed over Darren’s behavior toward her beloved dog. Tess is also feeling left out when she overhears Ralph, Finn and Naomi plotting strategy to rid themselves of Darren and Jodie. Tess decides to take matters into her hands, but does her plan involve murder?

Those People is a very clever mystery with a plot that will resonate with anyone who has dealt with an annoying neighbor. Opening with a bang, the storyline then backtracks to the arrival of Darren and Jodie and details the growing frustration with the unrelenting loud music, construction and parking situation. With irritations mounting, cracks quickly begin to show within the residents and their relationships as they desperately try to oust the interlopers in their midst.  With some fiendishly brilliant twists and turns, Louise Candlish  brings this intriguing mystery to a stunning conclusion. Fans of the genre are sure to enjoy this disturbing domestic mystery.

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