Friday Feature, Guest Post & Giveaway: Dancing with the Lion: Rise by Jeanne Reames

Kampaspē, Slavery, and the Uglier Side of Ancient Greece

When writing a novel about a prince and eventual world conqueror, the modern author must wrestle with how to depict those in society upon whose backs such privilege was built.

Enter Kampaspē, Alexandros’s mistress in Rise.

Although an hetaira (the highest class of prostitute in ancient Greece), she’s still a slave. Not only her well-being, but her very LIFE, depends on the good will of her owner. Alexandros is not a cruel master and expresses genuine fondness for her, even initially offering to buy her free, but that doesn’t change the uncertainty of her status. Writing scenes from her point-of-view allows me to show her reality. Ancient Greece got some things right: the invention of critical reasoning, the birth of democracy, and the, at least partial, acceptance of same-sex relationships. But it got a lot of things wrong. Misogyny was rampant and slavery assumed. As an author, I can’t ignore that.

Ancient slavery differed from American colonial in several important ways, not least that skin color had nothing to do with it. Greeks routinely owned other Greeks from different city-states, although as time progressed, a larger and larger number of slaves in Greece were non-Greeks taken in war. Families of moderate means usually owned 1-3 slaves, but even the largest factory operations owned slaves only in the hundreds, not thousands. Most of Greece was not a slave-society, unlike later Rome or the American South. A “slave society” is one whose economy depends on slave labor and would collapse without it. In ancient Greece, such a definition fit only Sparta’s helot system with state slavery, although by the Hellenistic Age, the economic importance of slavery had risen considerably, and by the late Roman Republic into the Imperial era, it ballooned into true “slave state” dimensions.

But even if Greece wasn’t a “slave society,” we can’t let that blind us to the horrors of a slave’s life. They were described as “living tools” and “two-legged livestock.” THINGS, objects, not people. Beatings were common disciplinary measures, and for a slave’s testimony to count in court, interrogation had to be conducted under torture.

Nobody much questioned this. It was just the “way of the world”—deeply embedded and taken for granted.

In fact, by the Imperial era, wealthy slaves might own slaves To modern minds shaped by Colonial slavery, that seems to be a very strange concept (both wealthy slaves and slaves owning slaves).

Ancient Greece had no abolitionist movement, and philosophy mostly ignored it as a subject of moral discourse. While emancipation was possible in ancient Greece, it was uncommon. When it came, it was typically in old age, in thanks for a lifetime of service, and/or in a master’s will.

In fact, the modern notion of scientific racism owes to Aristotle (Aristoteles), Alexandros’s own teacher, who, building on the medical Hippocratic corpus, articulated the basics: some people are born inferior as a result of climate, ethnicity, or some innate flaw. “For that some should rule and others be ruled is a thing not only necessary, but expedient; from the hour of their birth, some are marked out for subjection, others for rule…” (Aristotle, Politics).

So Aristotle (and others) thought people—especially non-Greeks—wound up slaves by “physis”: nature. But the more common, and older, notion was that slaves became slaves by bad luck.

Again, the bulk of slaves became so as prisoners of war: why such categories as “skilled slaves” existed. If, at the end of battle, one had rounded up a goldsmith, teacher, blacksmith, or physician among the enemy captives, one didn’t toss them into the fields or mines to do hard labor. They continued to ply their trade, but gave the bulk of their earnings to their new master. One form of “investment” in ancient Greece, in fact, involved purchasing such skilled slaves. They were costly, but their owner could count on a good return on the investment across years, which is why skilled slaves found it difficult to earn freedom. They were their owner’s “Golden Goose.”

Hetairai, such as Kampaspē, were a form of “skilled slave.” These “companions” (what hetaira means, literally) were trained to read, write, recite poetry, play music, keep up with politics, all in addition to any bedroom skills. In Kampaspē’s case, she was trained from a young age, and if she wasn’t an actual prisoner of war, she was sold into slavery as a result of political rivalry.

Her story is a tragedy. All too often in novels about ancient Greece, famous hetairai (such as Thaïs or Phryne) are portrayed as mistresses of their own destinies, choosing the rich men with whom they wish to cavort. The few historical mentions of Kampaspe paint her similarly, as from a prominent family in Larissa—a point I kept, if with a twist. Yet that popular notion is mostly a male fantasy, and such freedoms came only after establishing themselves. The bulk of hetairai, even at this high level, began as slaves, sometimes of older hetairai who acted as madams. As they aged, hetairai might save enough to buy freedom, but their choices after were restricted.

Kampaspē is my answer to the romantization of Greek hetairai in fiction. When Alexander is suddenly unable to protect her (for reasons I can’t reveal without a spoiler), what recourse does Kampaspē have? She must seek a new master/mistress/patron. She ends up okay, but the life of even a skilled slave is lived on the side of a volcano.

There’s no way around the ugly of Greek slavery. Kampaspē is there to remind readers of it, even if she doesn’t suffer as badly as many did. Because it doesn’t matter how well she’s treated. She’s still a slave. And slavery is never justifiable.

Title: Dancing with the Lion: Rise by Jeanne Reames
Dancing with the Lion Series Book Two
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Genre: Historical, Gay, Action/Adventure, Romance
Length: 350 pages/Word Count: 99,000


The story of Alexander before he became “the Great.”

Finished with schooling, Alexandros is appointed regent of Makedon while his father is away on campaign. He thrives with his new authority—this is the role he was born for—yet it creates conflict with his mother and Hephaistion. And when his soldiers, whom he leads with unexpected skill, start to call him “The Little King,” his father is less than delighted.

Tensions escalate between Alexandros and his father, and between Makedon and the city-states of southern Greece. As the drums of war sound, king and crown prince quarrel during their march to meet the Greeks in combat. Among other things, his father wants to know he can produce heirs, and thinks he should take a mistress, an idea Alexandros resists.

After the south is pacified, friction remains between Alexandros and the king. Hostilities explode at festivities for his father’s latest wedding, forcing Alexandros to flee in the middle of the night with his mother and Hephaistion. The rigors of exile strain his relationships, but the path to the throne will be his biggest challenge yet: a face-off for power between the talented young cub and the seasoned old lion.

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Purchase Link: Riptide Publishing

About the series Dancing with the Lion

Alexandros is expected to command, not to crave the warmth of friendship with an equal. In a kingdom where his shrewd mother and sister are deemed inferior for their sex, and his love for Hephaistion could be seen as submission to an older boy, Alexandros longs to be a human being when everyone but Hephaistion just wants him to be a king.

Check out the series today!

Author Bio

Jeanne Reames has been scribbling fiction since 6th grade, when her “write a sentence with this vocabulary word” turned into paragraphs, then into stories…and her teacher let her get away with it—even encouraged her! But she wears a few other hats, too, including history professor, graduate program chair, and director of the Ancient Mediterranean Studies Program at her university. She’s written academic articles about Alexander and ancient Macedonia, and does her best to interest undergrads in Greek history by teaching them (et al.) to swear in ancient Greek

Author Links: Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads * Instagram


To celebrate this release, one lucky person will win a $10 gift card to Riptide. Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on October 26, 2019. Thanks for following along, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!


Filed under Blog Tour, Contest, Friday Feature, Guest Blog

8 Responses to Friday Feature, Guest Post & Giveaway: Dancing with the Lion: Rise by Jeanne Reames

  1. Trix

    I’ve been so curious about this series!

  2. Jennifer S

    Some more interesting information.
    jlshannon74 at

  3. H.B.

    Didn’t know it but glad I know it now.
    humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com

  4. Sherry

    Sounds like a good series.
    strodesherry4 at gmail dot com