Tour Stop, Excerpt & Giveaway: The Dead of Jerusalem Ridge by Jean Rabe

Title: The Dead of Jerusalem Ridge by Jean Rabe
Piper Blackwell Series Book Four
Publisher: Boone Street Press
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense
Length: 292 pages


Sheriff Piper Blackwell’s three-day vacation with old Army buddies ends in tragedy. At the same time, a vile hate crime along a county road enrages her department. Their forces divided, Piper and her deputies must solve both cases before tensions boil and threaten the rural fabric of Spencer County, Indiana. Only eight months on the job, the young sheriff must weave together clues to uncover both a killer and a secret that could scar her soul.

“Piper Blackwell is a smart and capable small-town sheriff, a thoroughly modern woman who leads a colorful cast of characters in this entertaining read. Well-crafted and suspenseful, THE DEAD OF JERUSALEM RIDGE adroitly threads the needle between Cozy, Procedural, and Action-Thriller. Jean Rabe’s fans⸺both old and new⸺won’t want to miss this one.⸺ Baron R. Birtcher, multi-award winner, and LA Times Bestselling author

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“Only one target, Christmas?”

“Roger, Spaceman, just one. Eyes on him now.”

“Me and Renegade are following two, and that leaves one unaccounted for. Hemi is—”

“On the fourth,” came another voice. Hemi, Piper recognized his rasp. “I’m dogging him. I’m near the creek, too. All the mud. What an awesome day we picked for this.” A pause: “Where near the creek are you, Christmas?”

I don’t know, Piper thought. Somewhere along the damn creek.

“My target’s moving,” she whispered. “I’m following to get in range.”

She thumbed off the walkie-talkie, not needing the distraction of her teammates’ chatter, and shimmied out of the brush, sliding on her belly down the rise, and jumping to her feet at the edge of the creek. The silhouette had moved farther away, hopefully didn’t know where she was. The hint of success tugged at her thoughts.

Couldn’t tell how deep the water was, not clear enough to see the bottom. But she spotted what was left of his boot prints in the mud at the edge. If he’d crossed here, so could she. Piper stepped in, then slogged across carefully, the water above her knees at the deepest part, the bed slippery and threatening her balance. On the other side she let out the breath she’d been holding and searched for his tracks. The mud had been disturbed here by something. Maybe an animal, or … there, another heel imprint and a partial indent from the tread. A wide foot. And a dropped candy bar wrapper. She snapped it up and stuck it in her pocket, hated seeing garbage in the woods.

There were winterberry shrubs and milkweed on this rise, and she scrambled up the rocky ground and stayed low behind the bushes, turned on the walkie-talkie again and heard Spaceman arguing with Renegade, clicked it off once more and edged around the thickest clump.


No sign of the shape, just the dizzying blotches of greens and browns and more rain.

Shit and two is four.

“Christmas!” The shout came from behind her, Hemi. “Look out!”

Piper spied movement to her right, and she spun, nearly skidding back down the rise. Digging in her heels, she brought up the rifle and squeezed off four shots—three misses, but one nailed him dead center.

“Argh!” her target hollered, his own weapon falling as he dropped to his knees and slipped down the bank, landing splayed on his back at the edge of the creek, the blossom of dayglow yellow paint on his chest instantly diluted by rain.

Author Bio

My home is filled with dogs and books. Lots of dogs and books. I wear worn out sandals to work every day. I’m a mystery writer living in a tiny Midwestern town that has a gas station, a Dollar General, and a marvelous pizza place with exceedingly slow service. I am always working on a new project or three. I have forty-some books published in the fantasy, science fiction, urban fantasy and mystery genres. But I’m concentrating on mysteries now. In my spare time I dabble in roleplaying games and boardgames. And at every opportunity, I toss tennis balls to my cadre of dogs.

Author Links: Website * Newsletter * Twitter * Amazon Author Page * Goodreads


Enter for your chance to win one of Jean Rabe’s handcrafted fused glass pieces, a $50 Shell Gas Card & an autographed copy of The Dead of Jerusalem Ridge.

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Filed under Blog Tour, Contest, Excerpt

13 Responses to Tour Stop, Excerpt & Giveaway: The Dead of Jerusalem Ridge by Jean Rabe

  1. Julie Waldron

    I want to read it because I enjoy suspenseful reads.

  2. Anne

    A captivating and thrilling escape this long, hot summer.

  3. William D

    I need a good summer read

  4. Mya Murphy

    Suspense brings me into a different mindset. A wonderful mindset, especially with everything going on. This sounds really good!! I can’t wait to read this!!

  5. Sherry

    I want to read it because it sounds very interesting.

  6. BookLady

    What an intriguing book! I enjoy reading books with strong female characters.

  7. Martha Lawson

    I love a good suspenseful story that keeps you guessing to the very end! This one sounds awesome.

  8. Barrie

    I love thrillers! This sounds like a great read.

  9. Jenny Ham

    A thriller a great way to capture my attention in the middle of a crazy time in our world.

  10. kelly woods

    It sounds really interesting. Thank you

  11. Dana Matthews

    I’m always looking for new and exciting books to read. I need a book for vacation right now, tho!

  12. Denise Higgins

    Thrillers are my jam, they keep me motivated

  13. Leigh Nichols

    It’s literally the dead of summer, and there’s SQUAT to do with this pandemic going on. I’ve read so many books lately, it helps me escape this crazy upside down world right now.