Tour Stop, Excerpt & Giveaway: Falling for the Innkeeper by Meghann Whistler

Title: Falling for the Innkeeper by Meghann Whistler
Publisher: Harlequin Love Inspired
Genre: Contemporary, Christian, Romance
Length: 224 pages


She’s the home he never expected to find.

A battle for a charming Cape Cod inn…
But what happens when romance checks in?

Single mom Laura Lessoway won’t accept her mother’s plan of selling her late grandmother’s inn without a fight. But when big-city attorney Jonathan Masters arrives to arrange an offer from his client, she’s drawn to him. And working together as he helps with repairs only brings them closer. With his career and her home on the line, can they ever find common ground?

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They walked in silence for a moment, the jetty looming.

When they reached the start of it, Laura hopped lightly onto the rocks. “So, I never asked you. What kind of law do you practice? Real estate law?”

Jonathan shook his head. “Corporate law. Mergers, acquisitions, corporate governance, that kind of thing.”

She was fleet-footed, practically skipping from rock to rock. Jonathan followed, a little less certain of the path but determined not to fall behind. The boulders were damp and sandy, dried barnacles peppering the sides. She stopped and looked at him over her shoulder. “And Carberry Hotels is one of your clients?”

She was beautiful. She was so beautiful. And underneath the teasing, sometimes tough-girl demeanor, she was sweet, too. Everyone they’d run into during their excursion into town last night had loved her. He couldn’t understand why men weren’t lining up around the block to sweep her off her feet. If he had time for a girlfriend, he’d absolutely be the first person in line.

“Connor Carberry is my friend,” he said. “This deal is like a test case. If it goes through, the whole hotel chain could become a client.”

She cocked her head to the side, considering. “Interesting.”

“So, what about you? When the sale goes through, will you go back to school? Learn web design or software coding?”

She waved her hand dismissively. “I don’t want to talk about that right now.”

They’d reached the end of the jetty, where there was a small, unmanned lighthouse with a green light flashing from the cupola up top. A seagull dropped a crab on the rocks and swooped down to claim the meat from the shattered shell. Laura leaned back against the wall of the lighthouse, her hair wild around her face.

“What do you want to talk about?” he asked.

She gave him a teasing smile. “Tell me something about you no one else knows.”

Author Bio

Meghann Whistler writes sweet Christian romance novels that WON’T make your grandmother blush.

A hopeless romantic who met her husband on a blind date, Meghann recently left her marketing career to pursue her lifelong passion of writing sweet, inspirational stories that demonstrate the power of love and grace.

Before settling down with her rocket scientist husband and raising three rambunctious boys, Meghann earned a B.A. in English from Amherst College and an M.F.A. in creative writing from Emerson College.

She loves to hear from her readers, who can reach her at

Author Links: Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads * Instagram


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Filed under Blog Tour, Contest, Excerpt

5 Responses to Tour Stop, Excerpt & Giveaway: Falling for the Innkeeper by Meghann Whistler

  1. Lee Todd

    congrats on the new release

  2. Anne

    Thanks for this lovely feature and great giveaway. Best wishes on your release.

  3. Cathy French

    Nice cover and I enjoyed reading the excerpt. Sounds like a really good read.

  4. Linda May

    The book looks absolutely amazing and it’s a read I could really enjoy. Thanks for your great generosity.

  5. BookLady

    What a wonderful book! Great excerpt. I’d love to read more.