May’s Reading Challenge was to read two books.
I selected Fire with Fire and Only the Beautiful.
Fire with Fire by Candace Fox: 4.5 stars. An action-packed, fast-paced thriller. The “good guys” are flawed but that only adds to their likeability. The lab kidnappers’ actions are understandable yet incredibly misguided. Detective Charlie Hoskins is very relucatant to pair up with Lynette Lamb but she refuses to take no for an answer. She is a very intuitive investigator whose assistance is invaluable throughout their investigation. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as this incredible mystery races to a breathtaking conclusion.
Please click HERE to learn more about Fire with Fire.
Only the Beautiful by Susan Meissner: 5 stars. Heartbreaking yet ultimately uplifting. Rosie’s situation is absolutely harrowing yet she does not let it permanently define her or prevent her from reaching her goals. While she is enduring the unthinkable, her friend, Helen Calvert is seeing Adolf Hitler and the Nazi depravity firsthand. After the war ends, she knows it is time to return home and she sets out to find Rosie after learning what happened to her. The two storylines are seemingly unrelated yet the similarities soon become apparant. Based on real life events, this beautifully rendered novel is incredibly moving and details some of the most horrific and shameful events in both the United States and World War II.
Please click HERE to learn more about Only the Beautiful.
Did you enjoy the books you selected for the challenge? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts about your selection!
Check out June’s challenge HERE.
Now i did manage more than 1 book in May!!!
I read 4, finished one from April and started another – so success!!!
The two i’ll pick here are Lament at Loon Landing and Death at the Deep Dive, the next two in Josh Lanyon’s Secrets and Scrabble series. I have enjoyed the amateur sleuthing series.
Congratulations! I’m so glad you were not as busy last month.