Category Archives: Amazing Gracie

Review: Amazing Gracie by Laura Drake

Title: Amazing Gracie by Laura Drake
Publisher: Gramarye Media/The Story Plant
Genre: Contemporary, Women’s Fiction
Length: 273 pages
Book Rating: B+

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by the Author


CJ has returned from war. But she has not left the war behind. The one bright spot in her life is her nine-year-old sister, Amazing Gracie, or Mazey, as CJ knows her. Mazey is brilliant, curious, and innocent, but she’s carrying burdens of her own, including a deep desire to meet the father she’s never known.

When CJ heads off on a cross-country motorcycle trip to visit the homes of her fallen friends, Mazey somehow convinces CJ to let her tag along. It isn’t the journey CJ expected, but it is the journey she needs. Contending with her demons, confronting her past, and facing her future, CJ comes to terms with choices she couldn’t have anticipated. And when Mazey’s quest takes a surprising turn, both CJ and Mazey discover that this road trip has been headed to an undisclosed destination all along.

A story of family in all its incarnations, Amazing Gracie is a deeply felt excursion presented by a writer of rare warmth.


Laura Drake’s Amazing Gracie tugs on the heartstrings from the novel’s touching beginning to its emotional ending.

CJ Maxwell might be home from war, but it continues to loom largely as she tries to honor those close to her who did not make it home. Her first stateside stop is to see her beloved nine-year-old sister Amazing Gracie aka Mazey. CJ’s plans take an unexpected turn as she brings Mazey with her aafter discovering their mom Patsy refuses to put her sister’s needs about her own

Mazey and CJ may have been raised under the same conditions but they are as different as night and day. Mazey is very intelligent, a bit naïve and relentlessly positive. CJ’s outlook on life is somewhat grim as she wrestles with a heart-rending tragedy from war. Together, they set out on a cross-country journey that is life-alterin

Amazing Gracie is a thoughtful and sensitive portrayal of the aftermath of war.  CJ and Mazey are vibrant three-dimensional characters with realistic issues to resolve. The motorcycle trip’s various settings are well-drawn and easily capture the imagination.  Mazey’s story arc resolution and CJ’s character development and subsequent realizations will bring readers to tears as Laura Drake skillfully guides this heartfelt novel a triumphant conclusion.

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Filed under Amazing Gracie, Contemporary, Laura Drake, Rated B+, Review, The Story Plant, Women's Fiction