Category Archives: Look What You Made Me Do

Review: Look What You Made Me Do by Elaine Murphy

Title: Look What You Made Me Do by Elaine Murphy
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery, Suspense
Length: 368 pages
Book Rating: B+

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley


A gripping thriller about a woman who must help cover the tracks of her serial killer sister — only to discover her sibling isn’t the only serial killer in town.

Carrie wants a normal life.
Carrie Lawrence doesn’t need a happily ever after. She’ll just settle for “after.” After a decade of helping her sister hide her victims. After a lifetime of lies. She just wants to be safe, boring, and not trekking through the woods at night with a dead body wrapped in a carpet.

Becca wants to get away with murder.
Becca Lawrence doesn’t believe in happily ever after because she’s already happy. She’s gotten away with murder for a decade and has blackmailed her sister into helping her hide the evidence—what more could a girl want?

But first they have to stop a serial killer.
When thirteen bodies are discovered in their small town, people are shocked. But not as shocked as Carrie, who thought she knew all the details of Becca’s sordid pastime. When Becca swears she’s not behind the grisly new crimes, they realize the town has a second serial killer who has the sisters in his sights, and what he wants is . . . Carrie.


Look What You Made Me Do by Elaine Murphy is a refreshingly unique mystery.

Carrie Lawrence is understandably leery of her sister, Becca. From the time they were young, Carrie and her parents walk on eggshells around volatile Becca. While aware that her sister lacks understanding of normal emotions, Carrie is nonetheless shocked when she learns Becca is a killer. And Becca makes her an accessory after the fact by forcing her to help dispose of the bodies.

During their latest victim dump, Carrie is certain someone is watching them. She is even more convinced when, the next day, the corpse they buried is found. The situation goes from bad to worse when the police uncover numerous other bodies on the same site. Carrie is horrified at the thought the serial killer dubbed “Footloose” might know who they are. Her worst fears are confirmed when she makes a terrifying discovery.

Despite her very understandable fears, Carrie teams up with Becca to see if they can find Footloose. If the police get to serial killer first, they will uncover the truth about Becca’s latest murder. And if Becca gets caught, she won’t hesitate to take Carrie down with her. Their amateur sleuthing frightens Carrie but her sister fearlessly and unhesitatingly puts both of them into the path of a ruthless killer. Will they get to Footloose before it is too late?

Look What You Made Me Do is a clever mystery with an interesting premise. The storyline is engrossing with intriguing twists and turns. Carrie is smart and while she fears Becca, she also loves her. Becca will do anything, including risking her sister’s safety, in order to protect herself. Elaine Murphy brings this diabolical mystery to a pulse pounding, exciting conclusion.

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Filed under Contemporary, Elaine Murphy, Grand Central Publishing, Look What You Made Me Do, Mystery, Rated B+, Review, Suspense