Category Archives: Paloma Beck

Saturday Series Spotlight: Paloma Beck’s The Seven Sin Sisters & Giveaway

Title: Lustful Cravings by Paloma Beck
The Seven Sin Sisters Series, Book One
Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic, Romance, Menage
Length: 96 pages/Word Count: 36545


Seven sisters are entwined in a legacy bigger than anyone ever expected. One by one, they will find their mates from the immortal Valendite breeds and secure their place in history. Each sister embodies one of the seven deadly sins only to be cast aside once claimed. But claiming comes at the price of separation, causing a weakening of their combined powers, which none want to happen… until Layla, holding the sin of lust within her body, locks eyes with Madden.

Madden is one of the strongest of the Valendite Breed, a group of near-immortal men originating from the Italian Wars in the 1500s. Today, the Valendite Breed serve as the Terrorist Elimination Unit (TEU), their only weakness being their body’s need for a mate to carry on the Breed. So now that Madden has found Layla, he will never let her go.

With forces mounting up against the Breed, Madden and Layla will need to rely on their powers combined to get them to their Pronouncement.

Buylinks: Secret Cravings Publishing * All Romance eBooks * Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Bookstrand


Madden pulled away from her, just slightly, and she whimpered in protest. He chuckled and kissed her nose when he saw her wrinkle it. Struck by the flush of her cheeks, Madden noted the same flush running down her throat and to the very top of her breasts. As she took deep breaths to calm herself, he placed his forehead against hers. But Madden only paused for a moment because he had no intention of letting the emotions he was pulling from Layla subside. He would not let her gain the control she was wrestling for. A woman off-balance was what he needed her to be.

As part of the Valendite Breed, Madden had been raised to know the prophecy, to appreciate the significance of finding your mate and claiming her. He planned to worship Layla until the day they died. The sharing of blood so sacred, nothing could tear them from one another. Not only would their blood bond them together but it would also sustain Madden and prolong Layla’s life so she lived as long as he did.

Madden moved his hands to frame her face and drew her head up to meet her eyes. He brushed a soft kiss against her full lips before speaking, his voice husky with desire. “Take your tongue, Layla love, and touch it to my sharpest teeth. The blood exchange will bind us and I can take you then. Ho bisogno di te. Please don’t make me wait.”

Madden’s words were barely finished when he took her mouth again. Gently his tongue drew hers out, slowing to let her catch up to his need. When he felt the puncture wounds and tasted the first drop of her blood, he moaned low inside himself. He felt Layla tense at first and then soften her body as it settled into his own. Her moans began to mirror his. He could feel her desire as if it was his own, and it multiplied the urge to claim her and demand she submit to him as his mate.

Madden held back with every piece of control he had been trained to possess. This moment required him to remain in control, to ease her in the mating. He felt her pull away. Her body shuttered and a small whimper bubbled up from her throat. He was suddenly struck by her vulnerability.

“What’s happened, Madden? Why do I feel this way?” His Layla was frightened and he wanted nothing more than to comfort her. Her feisty golden eyes now appeared panicked. Madden couldn’t bear it.

“Layla love, we’re bonded now. You will forever feel what I feel just as I will feel the emotions inside of you. It is a powerful thing for mates. It will make the next act we perform even richer than any romance book you’ve ever read.” He rose then from the floor between her legs and pulled her to him, carrying her out of the room.

“Which way to your bedroom, Layla?”

Title: Eternal Envy by Paloma Beck
The Seven Sin Sisters Series, Book Two
Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic, Romance
Book Length: 82 pages/Word Count: 29,545


Seven sisters are entwined in a legacy, one originating back from the time of the Italian Wars in the 1500s. One by one, they will find their mates from the immortal Valendite Breeds and secure their place in history.

Eloise has lived with bitter envy her entire life until the moment she fell into the arms of Caedon. Once claimed by her mate, she will covet nothing more for eternity, especially now that she has it all. Caedon plans to fulfill her every need if he can just keep her safe. With their secret so close to being exposed and a mate who finds herself in the midst of the drama, Caedon has enough to keep his hands full.

Then Caedon’s parents, believed dead for a century, come across the Terrorist Elimination Unit’s (TEU) radar. Can he save his parents while protecting his newfound mate?

Buylinks: Secret Cravings Publishing * All Romance eBooks * Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Book Strand


Eloise needed time to herself for even just a few moments and found herself wandering the vineyard along a path moving away from the lights of the homes on the property. An isolated building stood beyond this hillside, set slightly lower and out of sight. Curious, Eloise wandered in that direction when a shadow moved towards her from the distance. It was the large shadow of a man, she could tell from the bulk of his shoulders, the marched step of long legs.

Not watching where she was going, Eloise caught her heel on something and fell to the ground. The shadow moved quickly towards her then at a nearly flashing speed. She knew then he was Breed.

“What are you doing out here?” the man’s deep voice vibrated through her body. He should’ve terrified her—he was Valendite Breed—but something in his voice lulled her frantic heartbeat. “Are you all right?” He squatted down next to her, his hand landing on her shoulder when she tried to stand.

Suddenly frozen in place, unsure whether to move towards this man or away, Eloise felt paralyzed. A fluttering centered in her chest. Should she insist he remove his hand? He was even larger now so close to her. His scent was amazingly crisp and warm. Drinking in her fill, she shifted her focus to his hands fisted in tension. The muscles in his neck and arms appeared tense, taut, and delicious. Clearly, he was holding himself back. And if this was him restraining himself, she so wanted to see him unrestrained.

“I need to stand up. I just tripped on something.” Eloise attempted to stand, but again his hand on her shoulder restrained her. Her eyes scanned upwards, perused his deeply tanned skin.

Eloise wanted to reach out and touch him. She placed her hand over his fingers still resting on her shoulder. They were so warm, strong and large. Eloise followed the landscape of his arm until her hand wrapped around his bicep and she marveled at how small she seemed beside him. His shoulders were solid and the corded muscles beneath his worn t-shirt were flexing. His low-slung jeans showed a peak of his happy trail and left her wondering just what she would find if she went walking down that path.

“Damn it. Your eyes, they’re lit up. And your scent…who are you?” The man lowered his voice at the question but she heard it deep inside. He didn’t just want her name. He suspected what she was coming to wonder herself but had dismissed as wishful thinking. He couldn’t possibly be her mate, could he?

“Do you speak, woman?” The man was growling; his sculpted cheekbones hollowed even further to give him a sharper appearance, but he didn’t scare her. Eloise didn’t move away; she wanted the connection to him as deeply as she needed her next breath.

“My name is Eloise. I’m one of Layla’s sisters.”

Title: Holiday Gem by Paloma Beck
The Seven Sin Sisters Series, Book Three
Publisher: Secret Cravings Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic, Romance
Length: 102 pages/Word Count: 32,985


Seven sisters are entwined in a legacy, one originating back from the time of the Italian Wars in the 1500s. One by one, they will find their mates from the immortal Valendite Breeds and secure their place in history.

Gemma has spent her adult life consumed with researching the Valendite Breed history, constantly greedy for knowledge about their race. Until she meets Seamus and she’s no longer able to hide in her world of books and theory. Now is her time to live.

Seamus has found his gem and he wants nothing more than to treasure her. But his best friend is missing and he needs to locate him. Torn between his mate and his brother-in-arms, Seamus may be forced to choose one over the other. Will he sacrifice a lifelong friendship for the love of his life?

Buylinks: Secret Cravings Publishing * All Romance eBooks * Amazon * Barnes & Noble * Book Strand


She was certain she’d done the right thing by encouraging him to find Donovan. There was not a doubt in her mind about that. Still, she feared for him. Gemma put on her big-girl panties and stood by him while Caedon and Madden went over mission objectives and details, much of it she didn’t understand. She held herself together and forced all her emotions down so as not to worry Seamus.

But before he left, Gemma needed Seamus to know he could count on her. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I am yours,” she spoke into his mind so others wouldn’t hear.

Seamus’ response was immediate as his lips crushed down on hers. This wasn’t the sweet kiss of earlier, and Gemma returned his intensity and encouraged him to pull her closer and deepen the kiss even further. Seamus grabbed her bottom and forced her to wrap her legs around his waist. The thought that she should be embarrassed in front of the others crossed her mind but it was only fleeting. Everything inside her focused on her mate.

Gemma did hear one of the men gasp however. She opened her eyes for just a moment and saw the colors of light. Seamus and her combined emotions caused bursts of sparkling light to swirl around them. Incredible joy pounded in her veins and she knew she loved this man. He felt right against her as his lips pressed against hers and his teeth nipped at her lower lip.

A cough from behind them broke their moment. Seamus squeezed his eyes closed before opening them, shaking his head and placing her down on the floor. With his hand around her waist, he looked to Nicolaus.

“I place my mate in your keeping.” Seamus spoke solemnly.

Author Bio:

Paloma Beck is an erotic romance writer in both the contemporary and paranormal realms. Happily married and living a life of total contradiction, Paloma runs carpool service for her three sons, volunteers in PTA and teaches religious education.

Then in the moments when her characters talk to her, she journals their stories – and they are anything but PG. As a natural introvert, quiet time with her characters is necessary to keep sane while writing is the perfect outlet for her creativity.

Paloma believes a daily dose of coffee and a good book make any day better.

Find Ms. Beck on the web: Blog * Website * Twitter * Facebook * Facebook Page * Goodreads * Amazon * Romance Reads * Tumbler * Pinterest

Three lucky winners will win a PDF version of the e-book of their choice. Here’s how to enter the Saturday Series Spotlight contest:

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5. To be eligible to enter contests on Book Reviews and More by Kathy you MUST fill out the contest entry form (found HERE). This form only needs to be filled out ONCE. Your privacy is important to me, and I will not share your information.

And don’t forget to:

6. Leave a comment on this post telling me WHICH book in the series you would like to win by 5 PM Mountain Time Monday afternoon.

It’s that easy! The winner will be selected using Ms. Beck will e-mail three lucky winners the eBook of their choice (PDF Format only). The winners will be posted HERE on Tuesday.

***The eBooks in this giveaway have been donated by Paloma Beck.***


Filed under Contest, Paloma Beck, Saturday Series Spotlight, The Seven Sin Sisters