Title: For the Love of His Life by Fiona McGier
Publisher: Eternal Press
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance
Length: 211 pages
Can a sexy Hispanic action movie star find himself in the BWCA of upper Minnesota? Will the local woman he grows to love believe someone who “lies for a living”?
When the famous action movie star Raul Roderick needs to “clean-up” for a major role that even he doubts he can deliver, the director sends him up to a resort owned by his grandmother in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area of upper Minnesota, to learn to commune with nature. His guide is Veronica, the director’s cousin, a tall, athletic woman who has the relaxed, sensible nature of someone who knows herself well.
Raul hasn’t been this far from his reliable drug-dealers for a very long time, and dealing with real-life is something he’s never been very good at. His initial clumsy attempt to seduce her makes her laugh…so he calls her fat. Is there any hope that their relationship will progress beyond its rocky start? And can Raul overcome his partying nature to discover what is really important in life?
Warnings: This title is intended for readers over the age of 18 as it contains adult sexual situations (including a f/f/m ménage scene/scenes in the first chapter) and/or adult language, and may be considered offensive to some readers.
Jared Miller, the famous yet reclusive director, is on the phone asking for a favor from his Grandmother who owns a resort in northeastern Minnesota.
“What is it this time?”
Jared cleared his throat audibly.
“I’m afraid it’s bigger this time. I need you to let me send you a guest who will be there until I can get the crew up to start filming my next movie.”
“And how long with that be?” Veronica grinned at Gram-Marie while the older woman rolled her eyes and shrugged.
“I don’t know…it depends on a lot of things. Maybe a month? Six weeks tops. I’ve got to get a whole lot of folks packed and up there, so it’s gonna take some time.”
“And who is it you are expecting us to tolerate for an unspecified amount of time?”
“Ronnie! Would I send you someone you’d only tolerate?”
“Hell yeah! You’d send us Satan to baby-sit, if your next movie depended on it.”
“Funny you should say that, cuz. He’s only the biggest, baddest star in the business right now.”
“Who is it?”
“You’ve heard of Raul Roderick, right?”
Marie snorted.
Jared chuckled, “The Gamer King? Avenge Tastes Sweet? MOFO-Town?”
“No,” Marie said, while Veronica smiled at her, all the while filling the pie crusts with the flavors of the day.
“Well then, how about his romantic movies? Make Mine Latino? Or Three’s a Crowd, But I Like Crowds?”
Veronica giggled. “Jared, you should see Gram-Marie’s face! She looks like she just sucked a lemon!”
“What on earth are you people thinking of with these titles? Or these so-called plots? Why doesn’t anyone make the kinds of movies I like to watch anymore?”
“Because you’re too old for them to consider you a target market?”
Veronica whooped as she ducked away from the rolling pin tossed at her by her grandmother.
“Old, my ass! I just expect plots and they’re too damn busy putting big, fake titties and young men without shirts into everything!”
“So you have heard of Raul then?” Jared chuckled.
Veronica explained, “Gram-Marie, he’s the kind of actor who is very good at looking good in his movies, and he’s always shirtless at some point. But he’s kind of limited to playing the same kinds of men over and over again…not much range, and even less talent.”
Jared burst in excitedly.
“Ah, but that’s where you’re so wrong, Ronnie! I only agreed to let him read for the part as a favor to his agent. But he blew me away! He’s so right that he’s the only actor I seriously considered for starring in my big epic film about the Boundary Waters area! You know, the one I always promised Grampa I’d make about his great grandfather, Hank Maynard?”
“If he’s that good, why do you need to send him up here early?”
Marie nodded at Veronica’s question, asked as she was busy putting the pies into the oven.
Jared cleared his throat again.
“Well, you see, there’s the little problem of his drinking…and his drugs…and his whoring. He’s a real party-animal and right now the only reason he’s not in jail is that I went to court with him and basically told the judge I’d answer for his behavior until his probation is over.”
“Probation for what?”
Marie’s voice was steely. Everyone knew that her father had been a Canadian Mounty, and she was gung-ho on supporting law enforcement officials.
“He…uh…can’t be allowed to drive for six months. They took his license away after he ran into a parked squad car because he thought he hit the brake pedal, but it was the gas pedal. Then when they got him out of the car, he was so blasted he didn’t remember his real name. All he told them was that he was the famous actor Raul Roderick and that he’d get them supporting roles in his next picture if they would give him a ride to the meeting with me that he was already two hours late for.”
“Obviously the officers weren’t impressed, eh?” Marie sounded smug.
“No. They took him down to the station and booked him. I was the person he called for his one call…not his lawyer. So I got him released to my custody, but I’ve been having a hell of a time keeping him out from behind the wheel of a car, or out of bars and nightclubs. I’m afraid he’s going to kill himself before I can get the performance of a lifetime out of him, that I’m convinced he has in him. So I really need your help…”
There was silence while Marie and Veronica communicated with each other non-verbally.
“Well?” Jared sounded anxious.
Marie nodded at Veronica, who spoke.
“We can’t give you an answer now. We have to talk this over with the rest of the family. All of us have to agree to this, since we are all going to have to deal with this spoiled brat you want us to baby-sit for you.”
Author Bio
Fiona has always had stories in her head. Characters intrude into her thoughts and insist on showing her scenes from their lives. She discovered that when she ignores them, they start to yell louder; if she writes their stories and they can live in readers’ heads as well, they usually leave her alone. Only to be replaced by a new group of story-tellers. Her head is usually a very crowded place, but she likes it that way. Visit Fiona at www.fionamcgier.com.
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