Title: The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club by Wanda E. Brunstetter
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc
Genre: Contemporary, Inspirational, Fiction
Length: 320 pages
Book Rating: B+
Review Copy Obtained from Publisher Through NetGalley
Join the club of unlikely quilters who show up for Amish widow Emma Yoder’s quilting classes. A troubled young woman, a struggling couple, a widower, a rough and tough biker, and a preacher’s wife make up the mismatched lot. But as their problems begin to bind them together like the scraps of fabric stitched together in a quilt, they learn to open up and lend a helping hand. Is this what God had in mind to heal hurting hearts and create beauty from fragments?
The Review:
Wanda E. Brunstetter’s The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club is a heartwarming story about six very different people who learn as much as about themselves as they do about quilting when they sign up for Emma Yoder’s quilting class. Emma is surprised to discover she has more to offer her students than lessons in quilting and she is about to learn a few important lessons of her own.
Emma’s six week quilting class is made up of a diverse group of people from all walks of life. Ruby Lee is a minister’s wife who is angry, depressed and suffering a crisis of faith. She signs up for the class looking for something to do outside of church activities.
Paul Ramirez is a widower raising his nine-month old daughter. He is hoping to learn how to quilt so he can finish the baby quilt his wife started before her untimely death.
The youngest pupil is the troubled Star Stephens. Without Star’s knowledge, Star’s grandmother signed her up for the class before she passed away. Star decides to attend the class as a way to feel close to her grandmother.
Stuart and Pam Johnston’s marriage is on the rocks and their marriage counselor suggested they spend more time together. While Pam is enthusiastic about the class, Stuart is much more reluctant, but agrees to go with her.
Jan Sweets is a roofer whose rough biker exterior hides his soft heart. Following his probation officer’s suggestion he find something to express his creativity, he signs up for the class when he decides he needs more in his life than just work.
And that brings us to quilting instructor Emma Yoder. A widow with grown children and several grandchildren, Emma is looking for a way to supplement her income when she comes up with the idea of teaching the quilting class. Her life experience, wisdom and abiding faith prove invaluable as the members of the class begin to open up to one another about their troubles. While Emma may know a lot about life and quilting, she will discover that there is a thing or two about love that she still needs to learn.
The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club is charming novel with an appealing cast of characters and unique storyline. Wanda E. Brunstetter beautifully weaves the Amish way of life into this compelling faith-based story. While there are few surprises in this fabulous story, there is an unexpected plot twist that makes The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club a truly delightful and standout read.