Mystery Monday: The Long Way Back by Nicole Baart

If you love a good mystery then you should check out this week’s spotlight!

Title: The Long Way Back by Nicole Baart
Publisher: Atria Books
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense, Thriller
Length: 377 pages


When an Instagram-famous teenager mysteriously disappears, her mother grapples with the revelation of dark secrets in this twisty, atmospheric thriller—from the author of the “poignant, riveting” (Wendy Walker, author of Don’t Look for Me) Everything We Didn’t Say.

Mother and daughter Charlie and Eva never sought social media fame, but when a stunning photo of Eva went viral, fame found them. Now, after more than two years documenting life on the road in their vintage Airstream trailer, the duo has temporarily settled on the North Shore of Lake Superior. Eva is happily finishing her senior year of high school and applying to college, but Charlie longs for the adventures they left behind.

When Eva goes missing less than a week before her graduation, it’s Charlie who is immediately suspected of foul play—not just by their fans, but also by the police and the FBI. As a fight about one more road trip comes to light, and the truth about their relationship is questioned, Charlie realizes the rosy facade they portrayed online hid a complicated and potentially dangerous reality. Now, to clear her name and find out what has happened to her daughter, she’ll have to confront her own role in Eva’s disappearance—and whether she knows her daughter at all.


Purchase Links: Amazon * B&N

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Book Talk: What have you been reading lately?

Welcome to this week’s Book Talk!

I didn’t read as many books last week, but I enjoyed the ones I did read.

White Noise by Mercedes Mercier: 4.5 stars. Thank you, Candice Fox, for spotlighting this author! This excellent mystery stars prison psychologist Dr. Laura Fleming. She is a flawed yet extremely likable protagonist who is still haunted by the mistakes of her past. The prison setting is a little unsettling as are the troubling events occuring in Laura’s personal life. The prisoner she has been assisgned to rubber stamp his upcoming release is keeping her up at night and threatening her job as she tries to convince her boss everything is not as it seems with him. With plenty of suspense, this fantastic debut keeps the pages turning at a fast pace until the edge of the seat conclusion.

Inside Threat by Matthew Quirk: Check out my review Tuesday June 13th to read my thoughts on this compelling political thriller.

After watching Ken Burns’ The Dust Bowl, I began reading The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan. I am only about a quarter of way into this well-rearched non-fiction book which details the depression and the years-long drought during the 1930s in the US. I should be able to finish reading it next week.

Now it’s your turn. What have you been reading lately? Join the discussion by commenting below!

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The Week Ahead June 12-17

Here’s a look at what’s happening this week at Book Talk & More with Kathy:

Monday’s Book Talk: What have you been reading lately?


Mystery Monday
Review (6/13): Inside Threat by Matthew Quirk
Teen Tuesday
Thrifty Thursday
Friday Feature

Winning Wednesday (6/14) eBooks up for grabs:

The Sweetheart List by Jill Shalvis
Famous in a Small Town by Viola Shipman
We Could Be So Great by Cat Sebastian

Click here for more info on entering the eBook contests.

This week’s Saturday Series Spotlight is Stacey Agdern Last Girls Standing and contest for the first of the books in the series.

Have a great week!!

***All the eBooks in this week’s Winning Wednesday & Saturday Series Spotlight giveaways have been purchased by Book Talk & More with Kathy.***

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Saturday Series Spotlight & Giveaway: AE Lister’s Northern Horizons

Here are the eBooks in this week’s Saturday Series Spotlight contest:

Title: 760 Miles by AE Lister
Northern Horizons Book One
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Historical, Gay, Erotic, Romance
Length: 342 pages


How far would you travel for one man?

The very last thing Jimmy Downing needed was a skinny traveling partner who acted half his age with a chip on his shoulder and no idea how the real world worked, because Jimmy had a lot of experience with the world and he wanted no part of it anymore.

He was trying his best to be an honorable man after two decades of being outside the law. He’d stolen things. He’d killed people in the name of survival. He’d helped other men do horrible things. But now he was keeping his head down and trying to live under the radar. T’wasn’t his fault that Oscar needed someone to show him right from wrong, give him something to eat on the regular and try to keep him out of trouble, so he didn’t end up making a mess of his life the way Jimmy had. Maybe that was what being a good man was all about.

Except the things Jimmy wanted from this twenty-one-year-old man were far from respectable, and he couldn’t stop thinking about them, especially when Oscar Yates of the big brown eyes, cackle of a laugh and insatiable appetite for anything grilled over an open fire insisted on pushing all his buttons.

How was Jimmy going to last the 760 miles to Port Essington without giving in to those needs Oscar called to with the hint of a smile and a smart-assed curse? Because if Jimmy did give in, it would mean both of them living outside the law and never having the chance at a decent life again.

Also Available for Download on Kindle Unlimited.

Title: Repentance and Absolution by AE Lister
Northern Horizons Book Two
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Historical, Gay, Erotic, Romance
Length: 299 pages


You can’t take back your sins. You can only hope for forgiveness.

Jimmy Downing traveled seven hundred sixty difficult and dangerous miles to bring Oscar Yates to Port Essington to find his uncle. When Jimmy saw the abandoned homestead Oscar had inherited, he envisioned a future for them there, as long as they could keep the true nature of their relationship a secret. But once the initial work is complete and they have a cozy living space and a stable for the livestock, Oscar and Jimmy face a long winter dealing with thoughts that have time and space to plague them.

Jimmy suffers nightmares of dark deeds committed in his past, while Oscar deals with trauma from his time in Dawson and his mistreatment at the hands of Spook. A new horse provides a distraction for Oscar and leads to new friendships and a break from their solitary existence, but a dangerous encounter exposes surprising truths about their nearest neighbors and a sense that their lives are being guided by forces outside their control.

Also Available for Download on Kindle Unlimited.

Title: Return to Telegraph Creek
Northern Horizens Book Three
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Historical, Gay, Romance, Erotic, BDSM
Length: 309 pages


Desperate times call for desperate measures, and maybe some revelations along the way.

When Jimmy receives a letter from Miss June of The Angel, asking for his assistance in locating a missing Caliope, he and Oscar leave their cozy homestead and new friends in Port Essington to travel back to Telegraph Creek. Sorry to have to abandon their recently built house and the new life they’ve made, Oscar and Jimmy can’t ignore the plight of the folks they met on their dangerous journey, and once they arrive, it is a delight to be reunited with the people they’d gotten to know so well. Due to an injury, Jimmy is unable to help look for Cal, so Oscar and Trick go searching.

They find Cal on a broken-down ranch caring for three young children in less-than-ideal circumstances. But is Cal the victim of the unexpected departure of her husband—or are there darker secrets to be discovered? When the truth comes out, Miss June and the women of The Angel must figure out a way to help Cal face her future and deal with the repercussions of her desperate actions.

Reader advisory: This book contains a brief description of murder and assault in the character’s past.

Also Available for Download on Kindle Unlimited.


I am giving away one eBook from the series-WINNER’S CHOICE. Here’s how to enter the Saturday Series Spotlight contest:

You must Do TWO of the Following:

1. Sign up for e-mail updates (below). One email daily with the day’s posts.

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Make sure you have filled out the contest entry form:

4. To be eligible to enter contests on Book Talk & More with Kathy you MUST fill out the contest entry form (found HERE). This form only needs to be filled out ONCE. Your privacy is important to me, and I will not share your information.

And don't forget to:

5. Fill out the form below by 4 PM Mountain Time Monday afternoon.


* I am the only person who will have access to info that is submitted to me UNLESS a publisher or author has donated an eBook for the giveaway. For a prize donated by an author or publisher, I will forward your e-mail and format selection to the person responsible for distributing the eBook. Please refer to the privacy page HERE if you have questions about how your information is used. In the event the contest form is not working, please leave your book selection in the comments below.*

It’s that easy! The winner will be selected using I will e-mail one lucky winner the eBook of their choice in their preferred format. The winner will be posted HERE on Tuesday.

***The eBooks in this giveaway have been purchased by Book Talk & More with Kathy.***

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Friday Feature: The Bookshop by the Bay by Pamela Kelley

Do you love a good friendship novel? Then you might like today’s Friday Feature!

Title: The Bookshop by the Bay by Pamela Kelley
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Genre: Contemporary, Women’s Fiction
Length: 318 pages



Jess loves her work as a high-profile lawyer in Charleston. But when her marriage implodes, she retreats to her childhood home on Cape Cod with her thirty-year-old daughter, Caitlin, hoping to regroup with her longtime best friend, Alison.


Alison’s career has taken a hit after twenty years as an editor for the magazine Cape Cod Living. But when she learns her beloved bookstore on the Cape is looking for new ownership, a new dream starts to form.


As the two friends reopen the bookstore, they also open themselves up to the magic of second chances.


Purchase Links: Amazon * B&N

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Thrifty Thursday: The Big Time by Ian O. Lewis

Do you love gay romances? Are you looking for a book that costs less than $5.00? Then you might want to check out:

Title: The Big Time by Ian O. Lewis
Hollywood Hearts Book Two
Publisher: Cruz Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Length: 203 pages


“I want you, and I know you want me. But this can only happen one more time.”

Chris Reynolds struggles to find success as an actor, and now that his roommate Hugo has moved in with his movie-star boyfriend, Chris doesn’t even know if he can pay the rent. After turning down a job in a porn film, he’s prepared to pack his bags and move back to Virginia. Then his first boyfriend calls him out of the blue, and his life will never be the same.

Jett Sumner is on a high. His latest single just misses hitting the charts, but he knows he’s going to hit the big time soon. What he needs is to be closer to the action, so he calls his ex-boyfriend who lives in Hollywood, hoping for a place to crash. When he sees Chris again after years apart, the chemistry between them is electric, but the timing is awful. Jett must focus on his career, and relationships aren’t part of the plan. But maybe just once they could…

The Big Time is the second novel in the Hollywood Hearts series. It’s a gay romance between ex-boyfriends whose hearts didn’t get the message that they’d broken up. One is a struggling actor, while the other is a musician on the verge of becoming a pop star. Can our boys handle a simple fling, or will they finally accept the fact that they belong together?


Purchase Links: Amazon * B&N

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