Title: Love in La Terraza by Ethan Day
Publisher: Resplendence Publishing
Genre: M/M, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance
Length: Category
Book Rating: B+
Review Copy Obtained from Author
Cain Elliott is a desperate man – on the brink of losing La Terraza, the 1920’s Spanish style courtyard apartment complex his grandmother left him in her will, he’s faced with the option of selling to a real estate developer or losing the building outright, due to the costs of upkeep that have now left him teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. One setback after another has slowly whittled away any hope he’d been harboring to turn the tides. Having time for little else in life, Cain’s guilt over his failure to protect the home of those who reside within the walls of La Terraza has crippled his spirit.
On the partnership fast-track at the flashy architectural firm of Hamilton-Bach, Henry Abrams is new in town, a little lonely and looking for inspiration. Tired of games and longing for something real, Henry discovers the road to happiness could lie in the arms of the sad, uncomplicated Cain Elliott.
Discovering that Hamilton-Bach represents the mysterious entrepreneur attempting to purchase La Terraza, combined with the self-doubt and mistrust over a love that develops too fast, leave both men struggling to decide whether or not they can truly find…Love in La Terraza.
The Review:
Love in La Terraza is a delightful romance that is funny, touching, sweet and deliciously sexy. An intensely hot and extremely passionate one night stand between Cain Elliot and Henry Abrams quickly turns into a deep and meaningful relationship.
Cain Elliot is a remarkable protagonist. He is so generous and kind-hearted that he is in danger of losing the apartment complex that has deep sentimental value to him. But that is what makes him such an appealing character. Cain is relentless in his quest to find a way to save La Terraza but even in the face of adversity he remains upbeat and positive. There is a hint of vulnerability to Cain regarding his relationship with Henry and he does not take their future together for granted.
Henry Abrams is the more dominant of the two men. He is career driven yet sensitive and caring. Henry fully appreciates the historical and architectural significance of La Terraza and he is frustrated when Cain rebuffs his offers to help him save his beloved building. Henry’s priorities shift when he is forced to choose between Cain and his job.
The tenants of La Terraza are quirky and more than just Cain’s tenants. They are quite close and many of them are his good friends. He puts their well-being ahead of his own and his love for them keeps him desperately searching for a way to save their homes.
La Terraza is more than just the setting of the story-it is its heart and soul. Mr. Day brings this incredible building to life with vivid descriptions of its appearance and construction. La Terraza has a presence and beauty that is lacking in modern construction and I was definitely rooting for Cain to devise a way to hold on to it.
I absolutely adored Cain and Henry as a couple. Their relationship builds slowly from their intense attraction to one another. Many of their scenes together are quite funny and their banter is absolutely hilarious. And their sex scenes? Burn up the sheets, set the eReader on fire and have a glass of ice water handy scorching HOT.
Love in La Terraza has all the basic elements of a terrific love story. Engaging protagonists, a believable storyline, just enough conflict to keep it interesting and an all star cast of secondary characters. Throw in Ethan Day’s trademark sense of humor and incredible talent, and you have a romance that should be on everyone’s to be read list.
Ooooh I like the sound of this-thanks Kathy!
You’re welcome, Timitra! You know how I love to pimp my favorite authors and Ethan Day is on the top of my list!
I love your recommended reads, Kathy. They never disappoint!
I haven’t read an m/m in a while, so this one is definitely going on my ASAP reads
Thanks for the review!
Thank you, Cec! You can never go wrong with an m/m romance by Ethan Day!