Title: Love Bound by Jessica Freely
Publisher: Jessica Freely
Genre: M/M, Romance, BDSM
Length: 4,000 words
Max retreated from life five years ago when his lover died on Christmas Eve. But this year, an angelic visitor finally gives him the chance he needs to let go of the past. It turns out more than one person has been patiently waiting for Max to start living again, but it’ll take a lot of rope to tie up the loose ends that are holding him back.
Love Bound was originally written for the Goodreads M/M Romance Group’s free story event, Stuff My Stocking, and was published in an anthology by the same name.
Purchase Links: Ms. Freely’s Website (Free) * ARe (Free) * Kindle (99cents) * B&N (99 cents)
Thanks for having me and Love Bound here, Kathy!
Always a pleasure, Jessica :)!
Sounds like a good read.