Title: Cop a Feel by Robyn Peterman
Handcuffs and Happily Ever Afters
Publisher: eKensingston
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Comedy, Mystery
Length: 325 pages/89,700 Words
Book Rating: B
Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley
When you get time off for bad behavior, romance is the last thing on your mind–but good old-fashioned lust is a whole different story. . .
Life undercover isn’t exactly one big party–not when you’re a DEA agent–but it sure beats a desk job. Except when you screw up big and someone has to go in and clean up after you. In that case, even paper-pushing sounds better than babysitting an erotic romance writer with as many enemies as there are euphemisms for “throbbing manhood.”
I’ve been taking down drug dealers for so long, playing bodyguard to a woman named Shoshanna Lehump sounds like nothing more than a giant pain in my ass– and being partnered with the gorgeous egotistical jerk I never should have slept with in the first place just makes a bad situation even harder–especially when he pursues me as diligently as we’re supposed to be chasing the bad guys…What’s a girl have to do to get a happy ending anyway?
The Review:
Cop a Feel is another wacky romantic escapade in Robyn Peterman’s hysterical Handcuffs and Happily Ever After series. In this installment, a puzzling mystery reunites several of the characters from previous novels and Candace “Candy” Sanderson and the mysterious Luke Blakely find their happily ever while guarding erotic romance author Shoshana LeHump.
Still recovering from the wounds she received in her last case, Candy’s newest assignment finds her going undercover as Shoshana’s assistant. Candy is a hardnosed DEA agent who does not believe in love and she is less than thrilled with her latest assignment. Her enthusiasm wilts even further when she learns she will be attending an erotic romance convention with Shoshana and that she will have to don some very sexy costumes in her role as Shoshana’s assistant. But the biggest shock is when Candy discovers that her newest partner is none other than her ex-lover, Luke, and her greatest challenge is resisting the über sexy agent who is determined to win her heart.
As with the previous books in the Handcuffs and Happily Ever After series, the plot and characters are a little absurd but that is what makes reading Cop a Feel so much fun. However, underneath the silliness, there are some serious undertones as Candy and Luke put their hearts on the line and overcome the tragedies of their respective pasts. The characters are introspective and their astute observations help one another put things into perspective. The mystery element of the storyline is easy to figure out, but it is still enjoyable watching the various characters put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.
Robyn Peterman good-naturedly pokes fun at romance convention with some very outrageous situations that made me giggle uncontrollably. Hands down, the best scenes in the novel involve… twerking. Truly unforgettable and absolutely priceless twerking.
The pièce de résistance of Cop a Feel is the fabulous epilogue which perfectly wraps all of the various couples happily ever afters. I have loved every delightful installment of this crazy series and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a delightfully raunchy story that has plenty of humor, sizzling hot love scenes and a whole lot of heart.
Read my reviews of the other novels in the Handcuffs and Happily Ever After series HERE.
Must add to my wishlist…Thanks Kathy
Sounds like a riot!