Friday Feature, Interview & Print Giveaway: Total Bravery by Piper Drake

Please welcome Piper Drake to Book Reviews & More by Kathy.

Kathy:  Thank you so much for  chatting with us today. Can you tell us a little about your new release, Total Bravery?

Ms. Drake: Thank you for having me!

Total Bravery takes the True Heroes series to a new location (Hawaii!) and introduces readers to a new team. The members of Search and Protect specialize in finding high value targets and extracting them from extremely dangerous situations. Raul Sá is the newest member of the team with his canine partner, Taz. When Mali Siri calls her older sister for help, it’s Raul who answers the call while her older sister is away on a mission.

Kathy: What do you like best about your main characters, Raul, Mali and service dog Taz?

Ms. Drake: Oh wow, I explored something new with each of them. Raul is displaced and searching for a place to belong.

Mali is a Thai American academic and she is only the second Thai character I’ve written into my romantic suspense, even though I’m Thai American.

Taz’s skills are more focused on scent-detection and tracking, though all of the dogs of Search and Protect are also certified as patrol dogs. Meaning they have bite training, guard training, and are skilled at pursuing and bringing down targets identified by their handler. It’s unusual for dogs to be trained in multiple specialties like this, but possible, and the dogs of Search and Protect are exceptional.

Kathy: What inspired your True Heroes series?

Ms. Drake: I’ve adopted two working dogs in the past: Kaiser, a Schutzhund trained German Shepherd Dog, and Mozart, an explosives detection trained Alaskan Malamute mix.  Having the boys in my household—and my heart—was a gift I’ll never forget even though they’ve both passed now. The boys were so intelligent, and so quirky in their own ways, that I’m forever sharing tales of their shenanigans. I was telling yet another dog story to my agent one morning at a conference and she pointed out to me that I needed to write a series on ex-military heroes and heroines with their canine partners.

Kathy:  What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Ms. Drake: I love watching anime and Asian dramas, as well as listening to audio books and catching up on my favorite authors like Patricia Briggs and Anne Bishop or exploring new-to-me works. I’ve got The Tea Master and the Detective by Aliette de Bodard, A Princess in Theory by Alyssa Cole, and Once Upon a Marquess by Courtney Milan waiting for me on my e-reader. I’m also a bit of a foodie and I love to check out new places to eat or cook at home. And of course, I cuddle and go for long walks with my Corgi, Corbin.

Kathy:  Do you have a favorite travel destination? Is there any place you have not visited yet but would like to at some point?

Ms. Drake: I travel quite a lot for my day job, as much as 50%-85% of my time. I love traveling and I’m not sure I have a favorite destination so much as a favorite thing to do when I travel, which is finding a great foodie experience while I’m there. Even though my travel takes me all over the US and internationally, there’s still plenty of places I’d like to visit for the first time and places I’d like to return to in order to explore more. At the top of my list would be Japan, South Korea, Singapore, New Zealand, and the Mediterranean. I’m also really interested in taking one of those luxury train rides, perhaps through South Africa? I need to research the idea further.

Kathy:  What project(s) are you currently working on?

Ms. Drake: I’m just finishing up the next book in the True Heroes series, Fierce Justice. After that, I have a fun urban fantasy novella to write as part of a collaboration with six amazing authors. It’s a great change up from what I’ve been writing recently—mermaids! The novellas will begin releasing this summer.

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Kathy:  Thank you again for dropping by!

Title: Total Bravery by Piper Drake
True Heroes Series Book Four
Publisher: Forever
Genre: Contemporary, Romance, Suspense
Length: 336 pages


True heroes will do anything to protect the women they love…

As the newest recruit at Search and Protect, Raul has a lot to prove. Luckily, he’s got the best friend and partner a man could ask for: a highly trained, fiercely loyal German Shepherd Dog named Taz. Together, Raul and Taz make an unbeatable team. But their first mission in Hawaii really puts them to the test when an international kidnapping ring sets its sights on the bravest woman Raul’s ever met . . .

Mali knows her latest job has put one hell of a target on her back. And on this small island paradise, there’s nowhere to hide. With a service dog like Taz, Mali feels safe. Sharing close quarters with a smoldering muscle-for-hire like Raul, she feels something else – an unexpected wave of desire. Raul feels it too. But when the kidnappers make their move, he’s got to turn that slow-burning passion into hard-hitting action – and save the life of the woman he loves.

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Author Bio

Piper J. Drake is a bestselling author of romantic suspense and edgy contemporary romance, a frequent flyer, and day job road warrior. She is often distracted by dogs, cupcakes, and random shenanigans. Find her at for insight into her frequent travels and inspiration for her stories.

Author Links: Website * Facebook * Twitter * Goodreads


I am giving away ONE PRINT copies of Total Bravery (US Addresses ONLY). To enter today’s contest, fill out the form below. PLEASE NOTE: Contest is open to US mailing address ONLY. Contest ends 5 PM mountain time Monday April 23.


The book for this giveaway was generously provided by Forever Publishing. Winner will be selected by Forever will mail the prize to the winner. not responsible for lost or misdirected packages.

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Filed under Contest, Friday Feature, Interview

2 Responses to Friday Feature, Interview & Print Giveaway: Total Bravery by Piper Drake

  1. Diane Sallans

    looks like another good story!

  2. Maria Smith

    Thanks so much for the chance to win!