November’s Reading Challenge was to read a book with a month in the title.
Dark August is a bit of a slow starter but once it picks up speed, it hurtles to a twist-filled conclusion. Lead character Augusta “Gus” Monet is young but tenacious as she pieces together what her mother, Shannon, was doing in the lead up to her death twelve years ago. The storyline is engaging, unique and well-written. The various settings are vibrantly developed and easy to visualize. All in all, an outstanding debut by Katie Tallo that I enjoyed and highly recommend.
Please click HERE to learn more about Dark August.
Did you enjoy the book you selected for this month’s challenge? Leave a comment and let us know your thoughts about your selection!
Check out December’s challenge HERE.
I read Kansas in August by Patrick Gale. Set in London in the 1980’s, and written then, it was probably a critique of the times but reading now, it is an ‘oh my gosh, really!’ look back at recent history.
The characters of Hilary and Henry had been messed up by their parents, and the ridiculousness of Hilary being left with a foundling was a bit, well ridiculous.
I enjoyed it as a dark comedic look back, though it possibly wasn’t written like that I think. People trying to find themselves, a career, happiness, squandering chance, philandering – just shows nothing changes!!!
Ended quite abruptly though
Sounds like a different type of read!