Title: Huckleberry Summer by Jennifer Beckstrand
The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill Series Book Two
Publisher: Kensington
Imprint: Zebra
Genre: Contemporary, Amish, Christian, Romance
Length: 352 pages
Book Rating: B
Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley
With one of their grandchildren happily married, Anna and Felty Helmuth are ready for their next matchmaking success. Because there’s nothing more rewarding than sparking unexpected love–and putting Huckleberry Hill, Wisconsin, on the map for romance. . .
Cautious to a fault, Lily Eicher strives to live up to her dat’s high standards. She’s certainly not the kind of proper Amish girl who would make time for someone as impetuous as the Helmuths’ grandson, Aden–even if his lively spirit and caring ways are showing her just how wonderful following her heart can be. . .
Recklessly doing the right thing got Aden into big trouble. A fresh start at his grandparents’ is just what he needs. And shy, pretty Lily is turning his world upside down and making him want to prove he can do good within the rules. But now both must find enough faith and understanding to risk pursuing their dreams–together. . .
The Review:
In Jennifer Beckstrand’s Huckleberry Summer, matchmakers Anna and Felty Helmuth are back and this time they are setting up their bad boy grandson Aden with cautious Lily Eicher. This delightful addition to The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series is another captivating romance with a charming cast of likable characters and a unique storyline.
Lily is a thoughtful and obedient young woman who strives to live up to her dat’s high expectations. She is timid and cautious but she is also sweet and kind-hearted. Lily follows rules to the letter and never deviates from doing what is expected of her. While her dat wants her to marry their neighbor Tyler, Aden is the man she desires to wed. Will she find the courage to follow her heart despite his vehement disapproval?
Aden is definitely not the typical Amish young man. He has strong beliefs about protecting the environment and he does not hesitate to jump into the middle of the action. After his latest escapade goes dangerously awry, he is more than ready to accept his grandparents’ invitation to move in with them. Of course Aden does not realize until after he moves that Anna is planning a little matchmaking between him and Lily. Aden is pretty smitten with Lily right from their first meeting but Lily is under strict orders to keep her distance from Aden.
While it is not exactly smooth sailing for the young couple, a romance slowly begins to bloom between Lily and Aden. Lily knows convincing her father to change his mind about Aden is going to take time, and she remains hopeful he will eventually approve their match. Lily has her own reservations about Aden, but as they get to know one another, she discovers the truth about his reputation and she agrees with some of his “unorthodox” ideas. However, when she decides to take a more active role in one of his exploits, their relationship takes a turn for the worse when Lily refuses to accept the consequences for her actions.
The conflict between Lily and Aden is mainly internal as they both deal with their individual issues. Aden struggles with his faith and he is does not fully come to embrace all aspects of Amish beliefs until the aftermath of the latest incident that lands him in a trouble. Lily is so afraid of disappointing her dat that she trusts his judgment over her own which leads her to a decision that makes her miserable.
Huckleberry Summer is a sweetly romantic addition to Jennifer Beckstrand’s The Matchmakers of Huckleberry Hill series. Valuable life lessons, heartfelt emotions and a gentle undercurrent of faith are expertly interwoven into a warm and lovely story that fans of Amish fictions are sure to enjoy.
Thanks Kathy.