Category Archives: CJ Cooke

Review: The Nesting by C.J. Cooke

Title: The Nesting by C.J. Cooke
Publisher: Berkley
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense, Mystery Supernatural Elements, Gothic
Length: 368 pages
Book Rating: B

Complimentary Review Copy Provided by Publisher Through NetGalley


The woods are creeping in on a nanny and two young girls in this chilling modern Gothic thriller.

Architect Tom Faraday is determined to finish the high-concept, environmentally friendly home he’s building in Norway—in the same place where he lost his wife, Aurelia, to suicide. It was their dream house, and he wants to honor her with it.

Lexi Ellis takes a job as his nanny and immediately falls in love with his two young daughters, especially Gaia. But something feels off in the isolated house nestled in the forest along the fjord. Lexi sees mysterious muddy footprints inside the home. Aurelia’s diary appears in Lexi’s room one day. And Gaia keeps telling her about seeing the terrifying Sad Lady. . . .

Soon Lexi suspects that Aurelia didn’t kill herself and that they are all in danger from something far more sinister lurking around them.


The Nesting by C.J. Cooke is an atmospheric gothic mystery with slight supernatural elements.

Lexi Ellis is finally clawing her way out of a dark depression when her long term boyfriend breaks off their relationship and tells he to move out. She has also recently lost her job so not only is homeless but she also has no money.  So Lexi is desperate when she applies for a position as a nanny for Tom Faraday and his six year old daughter  Gaia and baby Coco. The family is grieving the recent death of wife and mumma Aurelia. Tom is returning to Norway in order to fulfill his promise to Aurelia.

Lexi and the Faradays soon leave Britain for the dreary, dilapidated house they will reside in until Tom builds a new family home nearby. With no adult company except for housekeeper Maren, Lexi gradually settles into caring for the girls who have stolen her heart. When eerie occurrences send a chill up Lexi’s spine, she is thrilled when Tom’s business partner Clive and his wife Derry Boydon begin staying at the house.  She feels safer but when Aurelia’s diary mysteriously appears in her room,  Lexi cannot help the suspicions that arise after reading the horrifying entries. Torn between what she should do with this stunning information, Lexi is uncertain what to do next.

Lexi remains troubled by her extremely dysfunctional childhood with her single mum.  Before her downward spiral into depression, she has a boring office job. As she begins to recover from the darkness that grips her,  Lexi is shocked when her boyfriends rather coldheartedly ends their relationship and evicts her from his apartment. She is truly frantic as she attempts to figure out what she is going to do. When she learns of the nanny position, Lexi will do whatever it takes to secure the job.

After her arrival in Norway, Lexi is quite dismayed at the condition of the home. It is very rundown and she has no idea what she is initially doing as she cares for Gaia and Coco. Despite her inexperience, she manages to find her footing and she is exhausted as each day comes to an end. When she starts seeing and hearing strange things, Lexi does not say anything to anyone else for fear of losing her position. What she does not realize is her experiences might be  supernatural forces at work. Despite her fears of these scary episodes, Lexi is soon consumed by suspicions that Aurelia might have been murdered…

The Nesting is an eerie, spine-tingling mystery that is quite riveting. Lexi might have used unorthodox means to become Gaia and Coco’s nanny but she and the girls truly love each other. Tom is mostly absent from the home as he feverishly works night and day constructing the new house. Maren is a bit odd and she is soon casting a suspicious eye Lexi’s way. The supernatural aspect of the storyline features a malevolent force felt both in and out of the house. With chilling twists and turns, C.J. Cooke brings this gothic mystery to a jaw-dropping conclusion. I enjoyed and recommend this engrossing mystery to fans of the genre.

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Filed under Berkley, CJ Cooke, Contemporary, Gothic, Mystery, Rated B, Review, Supernatural Elements, Suspense, The Nesting