Category Archives: Unending Devotion

Blog Tour Stop & Book Review: Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund & Nikkon Camera Giveaway

Title: Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers
Genre: Historical, Christian, Romance
Length: 374 pages
Book Rating: B

Review Copy Obtained from Publisher


Michigan, 1883

In Her Darkest Hours, Is He the Man She Needs?

Lily Young longs to find her lost sister or will die trying. Heedless of any danger, she searches logging camps and towns, posing as a photographer’s assistant. And then she arrives in Harrison, Michigan–and the sights of Connell McCormick.

Connell is determined to increase the fortune of his lumber-baron father and figures as long as he’s living an upright life, that’s what matters. But when Lily arrives in town she upends his world, forcing him to confront the truth that dangerous men have gained too much power while good men turn a blind eye.
Vexing but persuasive, Lily soon secures Connell’s help, drawing them ever closer to each other. Will standing for what’s right cost them both everything?

The Review:

Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund is an engaging read that is full of adventure and compelling characters. Lily Young’s search for her runaway sister Daisy takes her to Harrison, a logging town where corruption and vice flourish.

Lily Young and her sister Daisy are orphans with few options available to them. Unable to secure positions together, Lily finds work with a photographer, Oren and his wife while Lily goes to work on a local farm. When Lily runs away to become a prostitute, with Oren’s assistance, Daisy travels from town to town looking for her sister. While Lily does not locate Daisy, she rescues as many young women as she can while continuing her search for her sister.

Lily is a resourceful young woman who acts before she thinks. While her heart is in the right place, Lily’s impulsive and sometimes reckless decisions put in her and those around her in some dangerous situations. Lily has strong convictions and she often puts other people’s well-being ahead of her own. Strong willed and opinionated, Lily has a strong moral compass and she rallies those around her to aid in her causes.

Connell McCormick is the son of a successful logging tycoon. While he may not agree with some of the vices that go along with keeping their employees happy, he is complacent and turns a blind eye to the less than savory events going on around him. He avoids conflict and confrontation, and he is in competition with his less upstanding brother for eventual control of the logging business. Connell is attracted to Lily and he is quite protective of her and her reputation.

Unending Devotion is a well-written novel that is as educating as it is entertaining. Ms. Hedlund cleverly weaves fact and fiction in this fast paced romance. Her characters are richly drawn with all too human flaws and imperfections. She aptly demonstrates how one person can make a difference. Although things have always been done a certain way, it does not mean it is necessarily the right thing.

Jody Hedlund is a masterful storyteller who skillfully brings the characters and setting brilliantly to life. Based on real events, Unending Devotion is thought-provoking novel that I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys faith based historical fiction.

***I received a complimentary copy of Unending Devotion for review.***

Author Bio:

Jody Hedlund is the bestselling author of “The Doctor’s Lady” and “The Preacher’s Bride”. She won the 2011 Inspirational Reader’s Choice Award, the 2011 Award of Excellence from the Colorado Romance Writers and was a finalist for Best Debut Novel in the 2011 ACFW Carol Awards. Currently she makes her home in central Michigan, with her husband and five busy children. She loves hearing from readers on Facebook and on her blog.

Where to find Jody on the web: Website * Blog * Facebook * Twitter

Celebrate with Jody by entering to win a Nikon Camera Prize Pack!

See what folks are saying about Unending Devotion!

One “devoted” winner will receive:

  • A Nikon COOLPIX Digital Camera
  • $25 Shutterfly gift certficate
  • Unending Devotion by Jody Hedlund

Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends on September 17th. Winner will be announced at the “Unending Deovtion” Author Chat Facebook Party on 9/18. Connect with Jody, get a sneak peek of her next book, try your hand at a trivia contest, and chat with readers just like yourself. There will also be gift certificates, books and a Book Club Prize Pack to be won (10 copies for your book club or small group)!

So grab your copy of Unending Devotion and join Jody on the evening of the September 18th for a chance to connect with Jody and make some new friends. (If you haven’t read the book – don’t let that stop you from coming!)

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Don’t miss a moment of the party-RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 18th!

Follow the rest of the blog tour HERE.

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Filed under Bethany House Publishers, Blog Tour, Christian, Contest, Historical, Jody Hedlund, Rated B, Romance, Unending Devotion